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Yes, yes, apologies for the wait. I don't know why I wait so long I gotta stop and update more lol.
Also congrats to Noah for coming out, I really hope he's happyy ❤️
Now, enjoy the chapter :)))



Jonathan, Mike and me all pressed our hands into Harmons wound, doing all in our power to try and stop the excessive bleeding.

Blood was everywhere, our hands were bloody, clothes were bloody, the entire van smelled of that horrid metal scent that blood gives off, and there was tons of it on the floor.

Everyone was panicking, freaking out, yelling about anything possible as the blood gushing from Harmons abdomen wasn't slowing down, if anything it was speeding up. No one knew what to do, especially the innocent driver, Argyle, who had merely been dragged into this whole situation because he delivered our pizza.

"Shit! Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" He yelled, panick clear on his features as he swerved on the road, trying to keep up with what was going on with us while also attempting to focus on driving.

"God.." Mike spoke out of alarm, sensing the catastrophic blood loss that was alerting us agent Harmon didn't have much time.

"Keep pressure on it!" Jonathan yelled at us, seeming hopeful that Harmon could make it through the next however long it took to get him to a hospital and somehow not lose all his blood, and for reasons unbeknownst to me, it actually helped ease me slightly with the leader-esque tone in his voice.

But, in the midst of my ease, I noticed that even with 3 sets of hands pushing down on the wound, the blood continued to flow with no end.
And for a moment I faltered, fear arising in a great amount at how much blood Harmon was losing and how pale his face was beginning to grow.

"It's not slowing!" I yelled, every hair on my body standing as if there was a cold chill passing through, even though the California spring weather wasn't ever under 80°. I was terrified of what was happening, and I couldn't believe it was only now happening.

"Keep putting pressure on it!" Jonathan yelled again, blood continuing to flow and stain everything it touched.

"More pressure. Get the napkins!" I called, my hands cramping as I pressed as hard as I could into the open wound, scarlett colored napkins that were once white covering the man and the surrounding floor as we rushed to press them into his stomach.

"C'mon." Mike mumbled as me and Jonathan pulled more napkins and held them in place.

"Shit." Mike said as even more bleeding occured following our actions. "It's not slowing." I said to Jonathan again, panicked as Mike looked like he was about to faint and I wasn't entirely sure where Argyle was driving.

"Argyle! You gotta get us to St. Mary's!" Jonathan yelled back to him, the desired destination being the closest hospital.

Argyle turned around, face full of fear as he looked on at the dying man. "I don't think praying's gonna help that dude, man!"

"No, you idiot! St. Mary's hospital!"

As quick as Jonathan said that, Harmon started to sputter, a refusal of "No, no..." spilled from his throat, blood evident in his mouth that undoubtedly made it almost impossible to speak.

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