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....YOUR POV.....

Soon enough we were on our way up a giant hill. Something about needing to get to higher ground for a better signal to use the Cerebro.

We had been walking for what felt like hours. We were finally almost there. We were all drenched in sweat.

"Arent we high enough?" Lucas asks, panting as we continue to climb the hill.

"Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." Dustin says.

"Y'know, Im pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max chimes in.

"Yeah but Susie's Mormon." "Oh shit. She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas asks, I laugh at his stupidity.

"Thats the Amish, dipshit." I add in. Will smiles at me as we continue to walk.

"What are Mormons?" Will asks, diverting his attention from me to Dustin. "Super religious white people. They have electricity and cars and stuff but since I'm not mormon her parents would never approve." We continue to move up the hill as he continues.

"Its all a bit....Shakespearean." "Shakespearean?" Max looks at Dustin confused.

"Yeah, like Romeo and Juliet." I roll my eyes at the conversation.

"Yeah, star crossed lovers." I mock. Max snickers.

"Hey guys!" Mike yells from behind us.
We all come to a halt as we turn around to look at them.

"This is fun and all but ah-" Mike points to the watch on his wrist "I have to go home." El says, clinging to Mikes arm.

"But we're almost there!" Dustin says back to them. "Sorry man, curfew." Mike says before taking off with Eleven.

"Curfew at four?" "They're lying." Lucas says.

"Its been like this all summer" Will adds in.
"Its romantic" "Its gross" "Its bullshit...I just got home." Dustin finishes off as the couple takes off down the hill.

"Wait so its been like that the entire summer?" I question the group. "Yeah, they've just done couple stuff and have been way more clingy towards eachother. Its really gross" Will says, watching them as they run out of view.

"Well they're loss right? Onwards upwards, Suzie awaits!" Dustin says, turning around and taking off once more.

Groans were heard from the group but we all complied as we started back up the hill.

I stopped as I realized Will wasn't with me. I turned around to see him staring at the ground, holding his neck.

"Hey, you alright?" I ask, placing a hand on his shoulder. He jumps a bit, but turns around to look at me. "Y-yeah, Im ok."

"Guys, c'mon!" I hear Dustin yell.

Will gives me a small smile before walking past me and running to catch up. I shrug it off and run up after him with the rest of the group.


We finally made it to the top after hours of walking.

Dustin threw his bag down as the rest of us caught up. "Made it" Dustin said, looking off into the distance.

"Yeah, only took five hours." Max said, shrugging her bag off of her shoulder.

"Its so hot. Why the hell didn't I bring any water?" I ask myself as I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will asked, walking over to me and throwing his bag down beside mine.

"Im so thirsty." I heard Lucas mumble before taking the lid off his canteen and downing the rest of the water. Max glared at him as she watched him chug it.

Possibly Forever (Will Byers x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now