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Enjoy the chapter guyssss!

《《 YOUR POV 》》

It had been hours, many, many hours. I had lost track of time, and you bet I was regretting leaving the watch I usually wore at the Byers house.

The helicopter was loud, the air hitting my face was cold, the headphones over my ears were uncomfortable, and the rising sun in my eyes that had awoken me was far too bright.

The helicopter had landed a few hours ago for fuel, apparently the advanced military machinery was able to run on a full tank for a little over 3 hours, so the next time we landed would be for me to get off, thank god.

I didn't know how long it would take to get back to California from Nevada, but it seemed as if it shouldn't have taken this long. The ride in the helicopter felt strangely longer than the ride in the car was.

I hadn't even bothered myself with looking outside, deciding I'd leave all the excitement of being back whenever we finally land.

I was barely managing to stay awake when an order came from the co-pilot that we we were approaching our destination. I practically jumped, my eyes breaking their seal and my legs working to sit me up straight as soon ad I heard it.

I looked out the open side of the helicopter, searching for the hot sand, yellow hills, swarming roads, anything that reminded me I was back in Cali, and close to the Byers.

My large smile fell when my line of sight was taken up by green trees, grey clouds lining the sky, grassy fields, and lonely roads. Even though we weren't even close to the right place, I felt like I was familiar with the surroundings.

I turned to the cock-pit, my eyes scanning the confident pilots with confusion. Theres no way they actually think this is the right place, is there?

"Where are we?" I spoke up, the headset on my head also equipped with a microphone so I could converse with the pilots just in case a situation like this one ever happened.

There was nothing for a moment, the pilots a few feet away acting as if they hadn't even heard my words.

Then suddenly a sullen voice sounding like a freigtful attempt to withold confidence came through, and my stomach dropped at the single word spoken. "Indiana."

I stared at the two, my eyes wide as they looked down at the view below me and then back at the pilots. Hawkins?! They brought me back to Hawkins?!

I panicked, a surge of fear flowing through my veins at the thought of being dropped in Hawkins instead of Lenora. What about Will and Mike and Jonathan?? What are they gonna do? What are my friends gonna think when I'm suddenly back home? God, what will Karen and Ted think?!

These guys had messed up, and I hoped to god they could get me back before something happened that wasn't supposed to happen.

"I...I need to go back to California, not Hawkins." I said, stomach churning as I swallowed. I felt sick all the sudden.

"Sorry, boss's orders." The pilot spoke, and my eyebrows scrunched together at the words.

My head swiftly turned back to the pit, eyes narrowing in confusion and tense curiosity. "Boss's orders? Who the hell is your boss, and why did they order you to take me back to the wrong place?"

Possibly Forever (Will Byers x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now