Chapter one

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"Lee hoseok tell me where the hell you've been?"

When Hoseok's parents left him when he was 13 the only people he had left was his uncle and aunt but sadly his uncle beat his wife until she was too tired to fight anymore.

"I was studying so I stayed after school." Hoseok tried explaining.

"You are fucking lying to my face how dare you." And with every word that came out of his mouth he added a punch, harder each time.

*end of flashback*

As Hoseok was walking down the school hallway he was getting a few stares so he pulled his hood over the top of his head.

"Look at him"

"Is he okay?"

"Should we ask him?"

"No he's just a poor loser"

"If I get caught talking to him then Minhyuk will laugh at me and I'll never get a chance."

"Ew the boy needs to wash his clothes"

"Does he ever think about making everyone happy and finally die"

Even though he heard everyone talking about him he just kept walking trying his best to not let it affect him.

But next thing he knew..

"Watch where you're going weirdo"

He ran into Hyungwon, the most popular boy in high school.

"I- I- I'm so-"

"I I I I shut up and watch where you're going next time." Hyungwon mocked.

"Are you okay?" Hyunwoo bent down and asked, helping the boy up.

"Hyunwoo, don't help him you're going to make kihyun mad." Minhyuk said, turning around.

"It's okay Hyunwoo go ahead l can help him." A unfamiliar voice spoke.

"Oh well look who we have here.. the new boy" Hyungwon said and walked up to the boy.

"Changkyun right?" Hyungwon added, putting his hand out.

"Yeah" Changkyun answered but not shaking hyungwon's hand.

"Okay, okay well you don't want to be laughed at on the second day of school do you?" Hyungwon said, starting a conversation with the new boy.

"Well he did nothing wrong why are y'all bullying him?" Changkyun said, helping the boy up.

"Fine have it your way" Hyungwon said, walking away.

"Weirdo 1 and weirdo 2" Minhyuk said, laughing.

"Guys don't y'all think y'all are being a little too harsh?" Hyunwoo asked.

"Listen Hyunwoo, if you don't want us to tell kihyun, then you might want to shut up now."


"Changkyun I'm fine you don't have to be nice to me you'll only get bullied for it"

"I don't know your name but I won't tolerate watching someone get bullied I just won't do it so I'm gonna stick by your side" Changkyun said, locking his arm with hoseok's.

"So we're friends?"



I hope this book turns out good.
Thanks for reading <3
Also sorry this is a short chapter I didn't have much time to write today.

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