Chapter fourteen

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"Minhyuk, minhyuk!!!." Hyungwon cried out, running to Minhyuk. "Hey, breathe won what's wrong?" Minhyuk asked, giving Hyungwon his drink.

"We have to stop Min!" Hyungwon paused to breathe, "his life is much more important I can take it I don't care if I get bullied." Hyungwon cried out.

"Is this about Hoseok?" minhyuk asked.

"Don't hate me, please," Hyungwon begged, holding onto Minhyuk.

"Hyungwon you're my best friend and I don't hate you, you could go kiss the guy, and I still wouldn't hate you," Minhyuk said, making Hyungwon giggle.

"Hey, guys what's up, Hyungwon are you crying?" Kihyun asked, running over to the boy.

"I told Minhyuk we have to stop bullying Hoseok and I can't explain anything because it's his business but trust me and I'm not saying you have to be his friend but please leave him alone," Hyungwon explained.

"Wasnt that the plan since that talk?" Kihyun questioned and Minhyuk looked at them concerned.

"What talk did y'all have?" minhyuk asked.

"Well, we planned on leaving him alone and we did but you continued to bully him and we tried stopping you but you wouldn't listen," Hyungwon explained as much as he could to Minhyuk.

"Oh." minhyuk said, getting nods from the two.

"So do we all agree that we won't bully Hoseok?" Hyungwon asked.

"Yes." they both said at the same time.


"Hyungwon if you want to sit beside him then walk over there and ask," Minhyuk said, scolding him because he's too nervous.

"No, I should probably just give him space but he just looks sad, and I don't like that," Hyungwon said, resting his head on his hand.

"Okay then give him space," Minhyuk said.

"Why are you so clingy when it comes to Hoseok?" Kihyun asked.

"Do you have a crush on him?" minhyuk said, smirking.

"No, I just want to be his friend that's all," Hyungwon said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay well I'm trying to get Hyunwoo to text me and it's not working at all," Kihyun said while laying his head on the table.

"Maybe it's because you're his ex don't you think?" minhyuk said, laughing.

"Yeah but I feel like he wants to talk to me but he's stopping himself," Kihyun said, staring at his phone.

"And how would you feel if you found out he's actually talking about how much you're annoying him and how much he wishes you would leave him the hell alone?" Minhyuk asked, receiving a slap from Hyungwon.

"Don't be so mean," Hyungwon said.

"Well, let's hope it's not like that," Kihyun said, rolling his eyes.

"Well I don't want you to feel like he's still thinking about you because there are chances he's not and I don't want you hurt," Minhyuk said, smiling to try and make Kihyun feel better.


"Jooheon can I tell you something?" Hoseok asked, sitting down beside Jooheon.

"Yeah what's up?" he asked.

"Well something happened back at home and things got bad and I left but Hyungwon caught me and he wouldn't let me go back home and so I stayed with him but do you maybe know why he's being nice?" Hoseok asked but Jooheon only shook his head and it went silent for a second until Jooheon asked a question.

"Well, what did he say? you don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"He was apologizing to me and saying he would take everything he did back and he explained why he did it then he explained what happened when Changkyun and Minhyuk got into a fight and told us that we shouldn't blame Kihyun," Hoseok explained.

Jooheon nodded and thought for a moment. "Well I think he's actually starting to feel bad and I've explained that he's not really a bad person and I think that he's starting to prove that."

"What if he's just messing with me?"

"Then don't take his shit this time. If I was in this situation I would put him in his damn place." Jooheon said, laughing.

"He's so confusing I mean what if he's only being nice to me because he saw me at my worst and felt bad?"

"Well it's Hyungwon and he gets confusing but he definitely has something about him that we don't and do like and for me, I don't like the fact that he's hard to read but I like how sweet he is to the people he cares about," Jooheon said.

"I don't like the fact that he's hard to read either and I'm really not sure if there's anything I like about him other than his smile that's pretty cute," Hoseok admitted.

"That's understandable." Jooheon agreed.

"So what's going on between you and Changkyun?" Hoseok asked.

"He's about like Hyungwon with the confusing part." Jooheon laughed. "He treats me like a close friend one minute then the moment someone comes to me he will hold my hand or sit on my lap and sometimes he answers for me like one time this girl came to me and asked if I wanted to get lunch with her and he stood up and said that I was busy because we had to go to the mall but the thing is we never had that planned," Jooheon explained.

"Oh wow," Hoseok said in shock.

"He's allowed back at school so I wonder why he hasn't showed up yet," Jooheon said.


Hyunwoo walked over to the boys. "Hey, guys."


Well wasn't that just lovely

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