Chapter thirteen

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WARNING- suicide attempt & self harm

~♡ ♡ ♡~

If you are going through something don't be afraid to come and talk to me, I'm here to listen and I'll do my best to make you feel like you can open up and talk about it without feeling like you're doing something wrong.

You should probably skip if you get triggered easily.

I love you 🫶🏻

I'll put another warning for when it starts and ends.

There's a song and you can play it at anytime.

*two weeks later*

-Hoseok's pov-

As soon as I walked into my house my uncle immediately walked up to me yelling nonstop I tried to ignore him but he got angry quickly and began to take it out on me.

"Please stop I'm sorry." I cried out but he just ignored it and hit harder each time.

"You don't." *punch* "Ignore me" *another punch* "When I'm." *kick* "Talking to you." and with the last thing he said he pushed me into a room I never thought we had.

"What are you doing?" I asked but he ignored me again, chaining me down to some bed.

He then took out a blade and a belt that had nails glued to it. He then took out tape, taping my mouth shut I tried to get out but failed.

"This will only hurt a little bit." my uncle said, taking the belt and hitting me across my chest, making me jerk due to the pain

"Don't be such a big baby," he said, hitting me again. He then took out the blade dragging it across my skin.

After cutting me and beating me with the belt he then busted my phone and left me in the room still chained to the bar of the bed.


After two hours of trying to break the chain, I finally was able to get out I stood up wincing in pain, and walked over to the door opening it, and luckily it was unlocked.

I walked out of the hidden room and seen my uncle, peacefully sleeping on his bed. I went into the nearest bathroom, feeling like I was going to pass out any moment.

- end of Hoseok's pov -

⚠️suicide attempt⚠️

Hoseok felt empty, he felt tired, and he felt drained. Hoseok slid down the door of the bathroom, crying into his knees.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, closing his eyes, dragging the blade across his skin.

He wanted to scream, he wanted to break things and he wanted it to be over. Hoseok walked back to the hidden room and collected things, leaving the house.

He walked, he walked until he found a closed park. Hoseok walked to a tree and sat his bag down beside it, grabbing his shattered phone out of the bag, and throwing it into the lake.

Hoseok grabbed a rope, tieing it tight. He pulled the rope to make sure the branch wouldn't snap and when it didn't he was going to hang himself but was stopped by the sound of someone walking up to him.

~good to read now!!~

"Hoseok?" Hyungwon said in shock, walking up to the boy who was covered in blood. Hoseok backed away, his back hitting the tree, tears wailing up in his eyes.

"Hyungwon go away." hoseok yelled, letting his tears fall. "Hoseok don't do this please it's not worth it," Hyungwon said, walking slowly to the shaking boy but Hoseok only pushed him away, falling to his knees.

"Why are you acting like you care?"

"Hoseok just give me a chance I promise I won't leave your side."

"Stop lying!" Hoseok cried out.

"I'm sorry, I know I fucked up, and I would take it all back if I could. I wanted attention and I got it and now I don't want it because hurting other people to make me look cool isn't cool at all and I would do anything just to see you happy. Kihyun and I talked about it and that's why we haven't been bothering you please don't blame Kihyun because of the Minhyuk and Changkyun situation, Kihyun mentioned that Jooheon was bringing you things and Minhyuk took things into his own hands and decided to bother you guys and I'm sorry he did that I tried to stop it but he doesn't listen very well." Hyungwon explained, sitting next to Hoseok.

"Why did you come here?" Hoseok asked.

"This is my comfort place. I come here every night to clear my head." Hyungwon said, looking up at the stars.

"I better go home before it gets too late but uhm thanks for talking to me." Hoseok tried leaving but was stopped again by Hyungwon.

"No don't go." Hyungwon paused. "I don't want to leave you alone. Stay with me tonight."

"Thanks for the offer but ill pass." Hoseok tried getting away again but failed. "It's not an option. You are coming with me."
Hyungwon said, holding onto Hoseok's hand and walking him to his house which wasn't far at all.


"This hurts." Hoseok winced in pain because Hyungwon was cleaning his wounds.

"You need to stay steal or it will take us a night. I still need to find your clothes." Hyungwon said while bandaging his wounds.

"All done," Hyungwon said, putting away the kit, and walking to his closet to find clothes for Hoseok. "You can have my bed I'll sleep on the couch," Hyungwon said while grabbing a blanket and pillow, leaving the room.


That was deep

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