Chapter twenty two

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The next day Hoseok woke up with a throbbing headache but despite the pain he was in he knew he needed to go to school. Hoseok had an important test that needed to be completed.

After getting up and getting dressed he and Changkyun made their way to school, meeting up with their friends on the way.

"Hoseok, Hoseok." Hoseok's name was being called continuously by a familiar boy, meaning Hyungwon.

Hoseok looked over to see Hyungwon and Minhyuk walking toward the two boys waiting for them.

"Hoseok are you feeling okay? You look sick." Hyungwon said, running to the buff male who indeed looked more paler than usual.

Changkyun looked over at him not noticing it because he seemed too busy talking about Jooheon the whole walk to the school.

"Hoseok why didn't you stay home?" Changkyun said in concern. "I have something to complete today I'll be fine," Hoseok reassured the two males who looked extremely worried for him.

The two weren't sure if they could go the day without worrying about Hoseok. After making it to the first class, Hoseok didn't seem to focus right, he felt uneasy and dizzy.

"Hey Hoseok are you okay?" Kihyun said, placing the back of his right hand on the sick male's forehead.

"I'm fine." Hoseok huffed, backing away. "You're hot you need to go rest," Kihyun said, worrying about Hoseok.


During lunch, all the boys including Minju were sitting down at the table waiting for Hoseok yet the boy never showed up. Hyungwon decided to go check the nurse's room to see if he was resting as Kihyun told him to do before but when he checked he wasn't in there nor had he gone in there at all.

Hyungwon decided maybe he should just go ask a teacher about it. After finding out where Hoseok was, Hyungwon decided to check the spot just to be sure. When Hyungwon walked into the room there was Hoseok who was laying his head on the desk, snoring and drooling on his books.

Hyungwon walked closer to the sleeping boy seeing a better view of him and Hyungwon couldn't help but blush. Hoseok looked so rough but so ethereal at the same time.

"What are you looking at?" Hoseok said, making Hyungwon nearly piss his pants.

"Uh, n-nothing I thought you were sleeping." Hyungwon stuttered and was embarrassed by the situation he was in.

"I was until you came in here and started staring at me, who wouldn't wake up from that?" Hoseok said, laughing at how Hyungwon looked in that moment.

"Sorry for that haha." Hyungwon awkwardly backed away, scratching his head in embarrassment.

"You're fine, we should probably go find the guys." Hoseok said, standing up, and packing his things while waiting for a response from Hyungwon.

"Oh yes you're right we should." Hyungwon agreed but he was mainly focused on how embarrassing that was and how he wanted to fight himself for being so awkward.


After what felt like forever Hoseok and Hyungwon went on a walk after their classes ended they decided to go to a park but suddenly they were stopped by a familiar voice but it wasn't a voice Hoseok ever wanted to hear again in fact that voice belonged to someone who gave him life long trauma that voice belonged to someone that ruined his whole life that voice belonged to someone who took someone important from him that voice belonged to someone who left him broken that voice belonged to who he called his uncle.


Nothing but silence.

"Hoseok where have you been?"

"Why do you care you never cared about me you only ever cared where I was when I wasn't at that shitty house doing shit for you while you go out and pick up girls from the side of the street in fact girls who were drunk off their ass or high on drugs what do you want from me?" Hoseok snapped at the man who stood there in disbelief that his nephew would ever say such a thing.

"Who is this little gay boy you're walking around with?" The man said looking down at the two boys' hands, "And why are you holding his hand young man this is unacceptable you will not be stick poking with a man you will not be gay and that's what I mean!" He yelled grabbing Hyungwon's arm tightly.

"Get your hands off of him," Hoseok yelled knocking the man over who was clearly drunk off his ass at the moment. Hoseok held onto Hyungwon's wrist which was red from the pressure the man put on his arm. Hoseok rubbed the spot to bring the circulation back.

"Leave me alone and leave him alone got it?" Hoseok spat, walking away with Hyungwon who was frightened by the situation.

"Hoseok who was that?" The scared male said, holding onto Hoseok's arm for comfort.

"The man that put me through shit for the past years I've been with him," Hoseok said, turning to face the younger.

Hoseok then leaned in and hugged Hyungwon, gliding his fingers across Hyungwon's back hoping it calms the scared boy down so that they can continue the day without a problem.


Starting to write daily if possible

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