Chapter four

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"Heyyy" Hyunwoo said, walking with jooheon.

"Hey guys" jooheon said, sitting beside Changkyun.

"You're hot in all but I don't know if I can trust you yet so stay a few feet away from me please." Changkyun said, moving seats.

"Well damn. Is it because of Hyungwon and the others? Because if so I'm not really friends with them I'm honestly just friends with hyunwoo I just tolerate the others because he's dating kihyun." Jooheon said, wrapping his arm around hyunwoo's shoulder, "and besides that, they aren't really bad people it's just because they like attention but they'll one day realize how stupid they look no offense hyunwoo but your boyfriend is dumb."


"Yeah, Hyunwoo has already explained to me that they aren't bad people but they put me through hell every day," Hoseok said, leaning on Changkyun.

"I'm sorry," Jooheon said, drinking the juice he stole from hyunwoo.

"Well if it isn't Hyunwoo and jooheon hanging with loser number 1 and loser number 2, just wait until kihyun and Hyungwon hears about this," Minhyuk said, walking over to the table and sitting down in front of the hoseok.

"Oh my god minhyuk what brings you here," Jooheon said, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I was going to go get Hyunwoo because kihyun was hungry and forgot his cash but I found him with the weirdo what about you?" Minhyuk said, looking over at him and waiting for a reply.

"Just chillin' with my friends."

"Haha, you are joking, right? Right!" Minhyuk said standing up and slamming his hands on the table.

"Dude calm down, don't start barking at me!!"

"That's it I'm telling Hyungwon."

"I'm not scared of your little friend so go run to him and cry about it," Jooheon said, laughing.

"Okay, I think I trust you now," Changkyun said, sitting next to jooheon.

"Can I lay here I have a headache?!" Hoseok said, pointing at hyunwoo's lap.

"Go ahead but you should probably go get checked and get some medicine." Hyunwoo explained while he played with hoseok's hair.

"Your boyfriend is stomping his way over here Hyunwoo." Changkyun pointed at the boy who looked very angry.

"Hyunwoo!!" Kihyun yelled, sitting on the table.

"What do you want kihyun?"

"For one don't give me that attitude and for two why the fuck are you hanging with hoseok and Changkyun? for three why is this no good bitch laying on your lap and why are you playing with his crusty dusty dirty ass hair?"

"Okay to answer those it's because I want to and for the attitude thing let's be real you stomped your way over here with your minions following behind," Hyunwoo said, pointing at the two boys standing beside the table.

"Whatever you are probably cheating on me with this stupid freak," Kihyun said, running off.

"You are literally messed up, hoseok get the fuck off of our friend's boyfriend," Minhyuk said, pulling at hoseok's arm.

"Yeah you are a home wrecker and that's why nobody will ever love you the way he loves Hyunwoo and fyi you'll never have Hyunwoo no matter what," Hyungwon said, sitting in the spot kihyun was once sitting at.

"I gotta go find my boyfriend," Hyunwoo said, leaving them altogether.

"Hoseok I swear if you ever and I mean ever intrude in their relationship again I will make your life a miserable mess," Hyungwon said, putting his finger in his face.

"Just leave me alone."

"For real, y'all leave him and Changkyun the fuck alone I mean damn we get it you like how people are obsessed with y'all and y'all are the face of the school or whatever but what your doing is getting out of hand y'all are causing the poor boy a lot of mental health problems y'all are ruining peoples lives just because you are being a stuck up bitch you guys are sick and all of those people don't care about you they just want what's in your pants so you can either fuck off and leave them the fuck alone or apologize and stop being such a coward," Jooheon said, taking up for the two boys.

"Let's go minhyuk he's just blabbering." After him and minhyuk left, hoseok left as well leaving the two boys alone.

"Jooheon I'm scared I'm going to lose my best friend." Changkyun said, almost in tears, "he won't explain anything to me and I have a feeling something is going on at home as well. I just want them to leave him alone." Changkyun finally let his tears out, Jooheon comforting him.

"Shh we'll figure something out but don't cry please," Jooheon said, wiping the tears off of Changkyun's face.

"He's strong that's one thing for sure."


"I can't believe Jooheon said that to y'all," Kihyun said, holding onto hyunwoo's arm.

"Right like damn I understand a lot of these girls want sex but we never said we liked those girls I mean I don't even like girls," Hyungwon said, laughing.

"Well I do but I have a type," Minhyuk said, closing his locker.

"Hyunwoo are you gonna drive me home or do I have to take the bus?" Kihyun said while grabbing his things out of his locker.

"I'll drive you home babe" he replied, holding some of kihyun's things.

"Thank youuuu you're the best." Kihyun thanked him before kissing hyunwoo's cheeks.

I really wish you weren't like Hyungwon and minhyuk. Hyunwoo thought to himself.

"Baby pay attention you are gonna walk into something," Kihyun said, giggling.

"Ah sorry I was just thinking." Hyunwoo walked kihyun to the car, placing his things in the back seat.

"Baby, why are you friends with hoseok and Changkyun?"



Broken [hyungwonho]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें