Chapter ten

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*a week later*

"Hoseok I really can't stop thinking about kihyun and when I talked to Hyungwon yesterday he said that kihyun only talks about me and that he's sad for the most part," Hyunwoo said through the phone.

"You talked to Hyungwon?" Hoseok said while sitting at the dinner table, eating leftovers from the night before.

"Yeah, he tries to stay in touch with me even after finding out I'm friends with you. He's really not as bad as he seems to be." He ran his hands through his hair, thinking about all the things Hyungwon has told him.

After a few moments of silence, hoseok spoke. "I'm shocked, him and kihyun haven't been bullying me recently, it's only been minhyuk teasing me and telling me to do his homework."

"I've noticed that. Do you think maybe kihyun realized what he's done?" He asked.

"Oh, he's known what he's done wrong. He doesn't want to lose his friends, jooheon already talked to me about it and I get it but he could also make good friend choices." Hoseok explained.

"Yeah but they've been friends for forever and if it were me I would honestly just be the nice one and teach them that it's wrong and maybe they'd give up on being so popular and actually have common sense."

"Shit he's back!" Hoseok yelled, standing up and running the dishes to the sink.

"Who's back?" Hyunwoo asked.

"Who the hell are you talking to hoseok?" His uncle yelled, walking over to the boy.

"N- no one uncle." He lied.

"Hoseok is everything ok?" He started to worry about his friend who stuttered from fear.

"Don't fucking lie you useless animal." He yelled, slapping the boy across the face.

"Uncle pl- please stop." Hoseok cried out.

"Hoseok are you crying?"


"Should I call the cops?"


Kicking, yelling, crying, punching and the sound of glass breaking was all that could be heard until everything went blank.


Hoseok woke up to the sound of knocking at the door. When he got up and went to check until he saw the police and Hyunwoo standing at the door. He quickly put makeup over all of his marks and ran to the door preparing himself.

"Hello?" Hoseok said, looking at the police and then at his best friend.

"Hoseok can we speak to you down at the police station?" One of the policemen asked.

"Hoseok who's at the door?" His uncle asked, coming down the stairs.

"Uncle the policemen are here what happened?" Hoseok asked although he knew exactly why they were there.

"Oh hello, sir what do you need?" He asked, shaking one of the policemen's hands, faking a smile.

"We would like to speak to hoseok alone and down at the police station."

"But why?" Hoseok said, feeling his uncle's gaze.

"We have got a call that some things were happening at home is that true?"

"No of course not why would you think something like that?" Hoseok's uncle spoke.

"Sir we were asking hoseok."

"Um, no nothings going on sir." Hoseok lied.

"Can we take a look around?" The policeman asked, looking at hoseok's uncle waiting on an answer.

"Of course come on in."

"Hoseok why are you lying to them," Hyunwoo asked, pulling hoseok outside.

"Hyunwoo you can't be telling people this what the hell is this?" Hoseok yelled, shaking from the anxiety he had gotten.

"I'm trying to get you help why would you lie to them this is serious and you need help." Hyunwoo held onto hoseok's arm.

"I'm fine see I have no marks whatsoever," Hoseok said, showing his body to Hyunwoo.

"I'm not leaving this place without you so go get your things and I'll drive you to school," Hyunwoo said, pointing at his car.


"Hoseok where are you going?" His uncle stopped him in the kitchen.

"I don't want to be late for class so I'm leaving now," Hoseok said, trying to get out of his uncle's grip.

"You don't want a ride?" He asked, letting go of hoseok.

"No thanks uncle" hoseok faked a smile.

- Meanwhile -

"I'm telling you he's hurting hoseok you have to do something," Hyunwoo yelled at the policeman.

"Sir we checked the home and everything seems to be fine there's no sign of anything happening the boy has no marks and nothing looks off about them if we hear of anything else we will get him down to the police station." The policeman said, leaving.

"Y'all are stupid as hell." He whispered, walking away.

"Hyunwoo I'm ready," Hoseok said, shutting his door.

"Okay, but we have to talk." He said, unlocking the door.

"Hyunwoo I told you I'm fine."

"We have to tell our friends," Hyunwoo said, looking over at hoseok.

"Hell no, we can't do that are you crazy?"

"You can't lie to them."



I'm back!!
Double update ML 😘

Also I'm still not feeling the best after everything but I'm getting there 🤍

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