Chapter eighteen

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"Jooheon I like you."

"Wait really?" Jooheon said in shock.

Changkyun grabbed Jooheon's face and pulled him into a short but passionate kiss.

"Yes." He said before pecking him on the lips again.

Jooheon not letting go, smashed his lips against Changkyun's. After they pulled apart to catch their breath it went silent.

Eventually, Changkyun spoke up, "So are we dating now or.."

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Jooheon asked and Changkyun smiled and nodded.

"What the hell did I just witness?" Minhyuk said, staring at the two.

"Oh hey, Minhyuk didn't see you there," Jooheon said, Changkyun rolling his eyes.

"Uh yeah you were busy eating his face but anyways Hoseok is looking for Changkyun I just thought I'd let you know but it seems like the two of you were giving the school quite the scene." Minhyuk smiled, walking away.

"Well that was awkward anyways we should go Changkyun," Jooheon said, intertwining their hands.



"When should we tell them?" Jooheon, whispered.

"I think now is a good time," Changkyun said.

"Guys," Jooheon said, getting the other's attention.

"Yeah?" Hyunwoo and Hoseok said at the same time.

"Okay so me and Changkyun are actually dating now," Jooheon said, grabbing onto Changkyun's hands.

"Wait y'all wasn't together before?" Minju said, popping up out of nowhere.

"Where have you been?" Hoseok said since the girl hasn't been around much.

"With my friends, we got caught up in some girl drama and y'all seemed like y'all was having fits of your own with Hyungwon and his friends so I stayed back." She said, sitting down beside Hoseok.

"They weren't fits," Hoseok said.

"Seemed like it but anyways since when did y'all start dating?" Minju said, looking at Changkyun.

"Like 3 hours ago." Changkyun laughed.

"Damn, I thought it's at least been a month or so," Minju said in shock.

"No Changkyun was playing hard to get." Jooheon rolled his eyes receiving a hit from Changkyun.

"Well congratulations but I gotta go lunch break is over bye guys," Hoseok said, leaving, Hyunwoo following behind.


"MINHYUK," Hyungwon screamed, running down the hallway.

"No no no I'm sorry I'm sorry." Minhyuk apologized, running while Hyungwon was chasing him.

"What the hell is wrong with y'all?" Kihyun said, stopping the two boys from running.

"Minhyuk said he would start a rumor that I slept with Hoseok and that isn't even true I'm still a virgin," Hyungwon said whining. "Not you whining." Minhyuk laughed.

"Well, do y'all wanna go to the cafe?" Kihyun asked the two boys who were arguing.

"Yeah actually because Jooheon said that's where they were going after class." Minhyuk slapped Hyungwon on the arm and winked.

"Wait how do you know Minhyuk?" Hyungwon asked. "Oh I know, it's probably because he likes that Minju girl." Kihyun teased.

"Shut up no I don't we talked a few times that was it!" Minhyuk said in defense. "That doesn't answer my question."

"Minju mentioned that Jooheon invited them to the cafe after class and she asked me if I wanted to go and I told her that I would think about it," Minhyuk said, Kihyun slapping him on the arm, teasing him.

"Kihyun I swear if you do-" "get to class kids." The teacher yelled making the three boys walk to the classroom.

"I hate you" Mimhyuk slapped Kihyun on the back of the head. "Awee you love me don't lie," Kihyun said, holding onto his arm.

"Y'all are stupid." Hyungwon giggled.

*later that day*

"Hey," Minhyuk said, waving at Minju.

Changkyun just rolled his eyes hoping Minju didn't invite them or anything because he wouldn't hesitate to stand up and walk straight out of that cafe even though Jooheon had his arms around the boy's tiny waist.

"Oh hey, you made it." Minju smiled.

"Yep I'm out guys my dad just called I have somewhere to be sorry I have to leave so early," Changkyun said, standing up and walking away making sure to bump into Hyungwon, making him nearly fall over.

"What the hell was that for?" Kihyun said, helping his friend balance.

"He doesn't want us here," Hyungwon whispered.

"Well come join us," Minju said out of excitement.

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