Chapter seventeen

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*the next day*

"Well look who it is, If it isn't the one and hopefully only Hoseok." Some girl said, laughing.

"Do you think you're funny?" Hyungwon said sticking up for Hoseok.

"What do you mean? Are you really sticking up for him now?" She responded, rolling her eyes.

"Well it's not cute and it's fucking rude so pull your shit together and find something better to do with your life," Hyungwon said, walking away.

"Hyungwon, you didn't have to stick up for me," Hoseok said.

"I know, but I wanted to because you don't deserve to be treated that way," Hyungwon said, intertwining his fingers with Hoseok's.

Hoseok looked down at their hands, smiling.



Hoseok looked back and saw a disappointed-looking Changkyun. "Listen I don't care what you do about Hyungwon and his little badass friend group but I don't like them and probably never will but that just might be me," Changkyun said, looking down at their hands and then back at them.

"Could you at least give them a chance to prove that they aren't bad people?" Hoseok asked.

"Why should I? They hurt you." Changkyun asked, getting angry.

"Everyone makes mistakes Changkyun." Hoseok yelled, squeezing Hyungwon's hand.

"Will you stop yelling," Changkyun yelled.

"Will you stop acting all mad over something I did and maybe worry about Jooheon who you are by the way confusing like damn the poor boy is head over heels for you and you won't tell him anything but instead you decide to sit here and yell at me for something that is 100 percent my decision and if it's a mistake then oh well that's my problem, not yours," Hoseok yelled, walking away with a shocked-looking Hyungwon.

Changkyun just stood there in disbelief.


Changkyun turned around and saw Jooheon standing there with concern written all over his face.

"What?" Changkyun asked.

"What are you doing just standing here in the hallway?." Jooheon asked.

"Well, what does it look like I'm doing? Obviously standing here looking at the damn wall duh." Changkyun said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay you don't have to be rude about it what did I do to you?" He asked Changkyun, following him.

"I'm not in the mood to talk right now can you leave me alone?" Changkyun asked.

"Uh, sure."


"Where's Changkyun?." Hyunwoo asked, sitting down with Hoseok and Jooheon.

"He's mad because me and Hyungwon were holding hands I'm guessing," Hoseok admitted.

"Y'all held hands?!!" Both boys yelled.

"Shh and yes we held hands." He whispered.

"Oh wow I'm shocked," Jooheon said.

"Me too" Hyunwoo added.

"Yeah and he got all mad like it's his problem or something," Hoseok said.

"Well, don't you think you could have been a bit more understanding about it though I mean after all he was there for you and stood up for you when they were bullying the shit out of you?" Hyunwoo asked.

"Also not to mention he's your best friend and he probably feels disappointed and that's okay too but yeah I agree I think you should try talking to him to help him understand a little more of the whole situation," Jooheon added.

"Yeah maybe I shouldn't have got so aggressive and angry after all he was only trying to protect me," Hoseok said, looking down.

"I'll go look for him," Jooheon said, standing up and walking away.

"So what's going on between you and Hyungwon?" Hyunwoo asked, starting a conversation to stop it from getting awkward.

" to be honest I don't really know myself all I know is that I go to him when I need to escape and he's there for me and we just cuddle throughout the night and I enjoy it. I'm confused about how I feel about it but he's a good friend though." Hoseok explained, earning a nod from Hyunwoo.

"I get that but I'm not sure of what to do with Kihyun I miss him and all but he clearly chose his friends over his own boyfriend and his friends were being complete assholes I just don't understand him sometimes," Hyunwoo said, looking over at Kihyun who was chatting with Minhyuk about something.

"He really does love you and I can see that Hyunwoo. Maybe you should try talking with him but it's all up to you." Hoseok said and Hyunwoo just nodded.

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