Chapter twenty

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After almost a full week of Hoseok staying with Changkyun things started to feel normal and somewhat better Still so much trauma but he's finally happy.

Changkyun and Hyungwon argue still but it seems to be getting better.

"Hey guys," Minju said, walking to the now big group of boys.

"Hey," Minhyuk said, looking up at the girl with a big smile. Minju smiled back sitting beside him.

"Anything new?" Minju asked. "No not really things actually seem to be getting a little better now except these two idiots won't get along still." Jooheon rolled his eyes, pointing at Changkyun and Hyungwon.

"Hey, but I can give them credit it's been getting a little better," Hoseok added.

Changkyun slapped Jooheon's arm, "Don't call me an idiot." Changkyun whined.

Hyunwoo gagged. "Okay well, that's just great," Minju said, giving a thumbs up.

"Well, he's so annoying he tried to take my best friend from me when he was bullying him like what a month ago was it even that long ago?" Changkyun asked, rolling his eyes.

"I'm not trying to take him from you but he's one person and we all would like to talk to him why are you so jealous do you like him or something?" Hyungwon said, raising his eyebrow.

"Not like it's a bad thing but no I don't like him he's just my best friend and I have a boyfriend that would be terrible." Changkyun crossed his arms giving an attitude.

"Well my bad but it just sounds like you want him to yourself but I mean no shame," Hyungwon said, shrugging his shoulders.

"See what I mean?" Hoseok asked, looking at Minju.

"How do y'all put up with it?" Minju asked, laughing.

"Well, eventually you just gotta learn to because it's gonna be a minute before they get along." He answered.

"I see." Minju nodded.


"Hyunwoo can we talk?" Kihyun asked, stopping the boy in the hallway.

"What is there to talk about Kihyun we've been through this how many times? I just don't know if there will be us anymore I'm honestly shocked Hyungwon is friends with y'all after what y'all did to him I mean I'm glad y'all are being nice to him and I won't complain but this is just something I don't know so talking about it right now won't work I have class bye Kihyun," Hyunwoo said, trying to walk away but got stopped by Kihyun.

"Hyunwoo please talk to me it doesn't have to be right now but after class please?" He begged.

Hyunwoo shrugged his shoulders and walked away leaving Kihyun in confusion.


After agreeing with Kihyun after class they went to a nearby cafe to talk. "Okay talk," Hyunwoo said in a serious tone.

"Well, now that we are here I don't know what to say," Kihyun admitted.

"Are you serious?" Hyunwoo stood up rolling his eyes, "You wasted my time I'm leaving."

"No, no I'm sorry please don't go I just wanted to see you again I really miss you and I'm really sorry about everything I just can't move on and being here with you makes me feel like it used to," Kihyun explained.

"Listen Kihyun we can be friends but right now I don't know about anything else I need time." He said, getting his arm out of his grip, and leaving.

Kihyun nodded, following him so that he didn't have to walk back.

"Can you take me back home?" He asked. Hyunwoo nodded.

"How's Hoseok?" Kihyun asked, starting a conversation.

"He's good why don't you sit with us?" He asked.

"I've thought about it but I need to study during that time so I go to the library," Kihyun explained.

Hyunwoo nodded and it suddenly became silent but this time it was a comfortable silence and they were okay with that.

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