Chapter sixteen

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There's a song and it can be played at anytime.


"Hoseok this man I met is offering me a good job to make me rich but he said only if you marry his daughter and I want the job and I will get what I want so you will marry her." Hoseok's uncle said.

"What? No, I can't marry her I'm still in high school and I don't know her." Hoseok said but only made his uncle mad.

"Excuse me who are you to say no you will do as I said you live under my house so you will listen to my rules and you will listen to what I say when I say and young man I WILL see you marrying that girl as soon as we settle it with Mr. Shin got it?" His uncle said, getting aggressive.

"No, you can't just control my life." Hoseok tried defending himself but only got slapped across the face.

"And stop hitting me or I'll turn you in." Hoseok threatened but his uncle only attacked him.

Hoseok took the nearest thing which was a glass vase and smashed it against the man's head.

"How dare you." His uncle yelled, taking Hoseok by the throat, and slamming his head against the ground on repeat.

"Get off of me!" Hoseok yelled, flipping his uncle over, punching him in the face, making his nose and lips bleed.

He let everything out that he had built up, he cried and punched and kicked until he felt a little satisfied. He looked down at the man who was passed out on the floor, he smiled.

Hoseok ran upstairs and packed a few outfits and some cash he had saved up and left.


After walking I found myself standing in front of Hyungwon's door I hesitated but knocked anyway.


"H-Hyungwon can I stay here tonight?"
I said and he just nodded, letting me in.

"You okay Hoseok?" Hyungwon asked while walking to his room.

"If I talk to you about this you can't go around telling your friends or anyone else okay?" I said and he just nodded sitting on his bed.

"I don't have a good relationship with my uncle and when I got home." He paused and took a deep breath, "he was telling me about how he was gonna get a good job but in order to get accepted for that job the man wanted me to marry his daughter and I told my uncle I wouldn't do it." Hoseok took another deep breath, feeling his tears form again.

"We fought," Hoseok said, looking into Hyungwon's eyes.

"He.. hit you?" Hyungwon asked, placing his hand on Hoseok's shoulder.

"He always does." Hoseok cried out.

Hyungwon hugged him, letting Hoseok cry in his arms. "I'm so sorry Hoseok this needs to be stopped," Hyungwon said, getting up to get his kit for Hoseok's wounds.

"You can't say anything Hyungwon."

"Then you say something."

"I can't."

"You can and I will be right by your side when you do," Hyungwon said while cleaning the blood off of Hoseok's cheekbone.

"Okay, but I need time."

"I respect that but please make sure you do it before it gets any worse," Hyungwon said in worry.

"I'm sorry about Changkyun." Hoseok apologized, feeling bad for them.

"You and Jooheon both apologized but it's not y'all's fault we made the mistake and we deserve it I don't blame him and I'm not mad at him for yelling at us I just mainly want your forgiveness and I also want to help you," Hyungwon said while leaning on Hoseok.

"You give me trust issues," Hoseok said, chuckling at his own words.


"Here lay down and open your legs.. wait that sounded wrong okay let me say that again." He paused when Hyungwon started laughing but he did what Hoseok said.

"Anyways what I meant was lay down and make room between your legs so I can lay on your stomach because that's how I want to cuddle," Hoseok said.

"Weird timing to ask but are you a bottom if so I'd be shocked but not really because you give bottom energy but not really do you get what I mean?" Hyungwon asked while playing with Hoseok's hair.

"I'm not a bottom I'd say I'm just a soft person but hey not all tops are the same," Hoseok explained.

"Oh no, I know that I just thought maybe you were a bottom for Hyunwoo and never tell Kihyun I said that because he would cut my dick off if he heard me say that."

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