John Kramer Oneshot

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(This is more like Father Daughter thing also spoilers ahead⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️)

You grunted as you hit your head on the wall. The bully's kicking you and hitting you. Eventually you blacked out due to the pain.

You woke up to a radio playing. You felt sore but managed to lay on your back. "You're awake." You gasped and looked to see an older man staring at you. You groaned in pain as your head fell back. "I saw a group of kids leaving. I can assume bullies?" You nodded and he walked over. "You know bullies usually bully due to two things. They are either jealous of something about you, or they hate someone who is not like them." You looked at him and he handed you pain reliever. "It's sad when not even children are safe from the ugliness of people." You felt dizzy and he rested a hand onto your head. "Rest, you're safe here." You felt yourself slip into a deep sleep.

You awoke to the sound of metal. You looked to see the man working on some sort of contraption. You tilted your heard and he noticed. "Ever heard of a reverse bear trap?" You shook your head no and he let you have a better look at it. "You know how a bear trap is opened then snaps closed on it's victim?" You nodded and he picked it up. "This is closed but snaps open. You place this plate on the inside of the victims mouth and when the timer runs out the force of it rips the face open." You stared at it and looked at him. He gave you a small smile. You got up and walked over to him and noticed the various sketches of mechanisms and tools scattered across the table. "I pass judgement onto the living my dear. I see those who need to be reminded life is a gift. Of course those who care for their lives will fight and sacrifice to live." He walked behind you and covered your eyes. "And those who don't make it show they were doomed from the start."

You smiled at a photo of you and John as you heard news about his death. You felt tears build up in your eyes and slide down. You kissed the corner of the photo and placed it down. You put a pair of gloves on and picked up the reverse bear trap.  Don't worry John, I'll pick up where you left off at.

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