Things you do that piss them off

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Michael: Use his knife. He fucking hates it.

Bo: You literally having a period pisses him off.

Vincent: Using his art supplies without putting it back

Lester: Ignoring his jokes

Hannibal: calling him sugar daddy

Billy: You snoring

Stu: Picking at your face (pimples, eyebrows, chapped lips)

Thomas: Cussing (reminds him of Hoyt)

Bubba: Not kissing him goodnight

Nubbins: Taking his knife

Chop-Top: Not smoking with him

Tex: Sleeping on the couch

Brahms: Drinking your tea improperly

Jason: Not giving him a hug before he leaves

Billy Lenz: Not cuddling with him

Chucky: Locking him outside

John: Ignoring him

Amanda: hog all the blankets

Mark: making dumb comments on things you know the answer to

Logan: Calling him mister even though you two are dating

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