Chapter 5: Fight for your Life

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A dusty gray Coyote that was missing an ear swung its claws at Feather, who panicked and leaped out of the way, narrowly missing the Coyote's razor sharp claws.

It didn't matter that the Jickeys had been at each other's throats only minutes before, they were on the same side now. They were unified by one thing; they were against the Coyotes.

Another Coyote, a deep, rich brown one with seven claws on one paw instead of five, tried to grab Acorn's neck. Both Feather and Sage barreled into it, knocking all three of them into the stone of the mountain.

Feather noticed that all of the Coyote's had a black diamond earring, hanging off one of their ears from a thin, silver chain. She thought it was odd, but she couldn't stop and ponder about it.

Feather was skilled in fighting against the Coyotes and had been trained and prepared for this moment the moment she came into the world.

Feather was just about to unleash her attack when suddenly, all the Coyotes eerily froze and their eyes rolled so far back in their heads that they were completely white.

A bionic-ish, malicious sounding voice came through the Coyotes in a choir of horrible laughter.

"Good evening, Saviors. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Such a shame that this'll be the last time we hear of you, isn't it?" they said in perfect unison.

Feather didn't have time to process what the Coyotes had said before having to tuck and roll out of the way from a Coyote's snapping teeth.

They moved in perfect unison of claws, jaws, and force. It was unnerving, really.

Thorn leapt into the air, barely missing claws tearing across his snout. The same claws tore across Feather's snout and she roared with pain.

The Coyotes' eyes turned back to normal but they continued their attack.

Moss snarled, him and Acorn looked at each other with a nod before charging into battle.

Feather gripped her face. She was the Coyote Slayer! She wouldn't let these measly mutants defeat her!

Blood covered the normal cream white of her paws and she shook her head violently, skittering away from the Coyotes.

She snuck behind the Coyote missing an ear, then leaping on him and digging her claws into his shoulders. Her muscles bunched and she couldn't help but smile, she loved the thrill of a real battle.

Moss and Acorn took turns ambushing the Coyotes, trying to claw their shoulders, snouts, and sides. Alas, they were terribly inexperienced with fighting and got clawed instead.

Moss screamed, falling over backward, trying desperately to wipe the blood away.

Thorn swept in, dive bombing the Coyotes. Though it hardly worked, he was much too clumsy.

The Coyote without an ear thrashed wildly, but Feather held on for dear life, biting into the back of his neck with pure fury. Sage barreled into him and Feather laughed, highfiving her friend.

Sage didn't have much fighting skill, let alone experience, but she was strong and heavy and used that to her advantage. Kind of like a wrestler.

Sage pinned the Coyote to the ground and Feather swiftly broke his neck, no problem.

Thorn heard the sound of bones snapping and he stopped midair, seeing Feather standing over the now dead Coyote.

Another Coyote grabbed his leg and dragged him from the Sky. Thorn squirmed and screamed, trying to kick the Coyote and get away.

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