Chapter 40: Out with a Bang

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The entire crowd surged forward with such power and ferocity it startled the Saviors, who came rushing after and leapt into the sky, staying in front of the crowd, so Pirate would know exactly who had caused this.

The guards were startled awake and stunned into stillness, frozen, staring at the furious crowd, who had weapons brandished. Whether it was homemade, professionally made, or straight from the Forest, it made it's way to their rebellion.

The guards scrambled inside and locked the doors. I suppose one Village, the Bears, predicted this would happen and brought a massive log with them.

"Ram it at the door until either it breaks or we lure Pirate out," their Chief commanded.

He was a truly massive brown bear with a long scar over his shoulder. His voice was gnarled and forceful, and all the Bears that were holding the log started running, slamming the door with the log with every ounce of strength they had. Which was a lot.

Feather screamed with excitement, noticing an army of guards streaming out the side entrances and coming around with spears.

Each side was about equally numbered, and both automatically attacked.

The crowd was screaming at the top of their lungs, chanting all together.

Some chanted Poems, others songs, some were just screaming.

A group of red pandas ran towards the group of ten Coyote guards, who tried to spear them. The red pandas were far too nimble for the Coyotes to hardly lay a scratch on them.

They threw a mix of Bombs Berries and exploding seed pods before quickly retreating, them exploding and the Coyotes dropping dead.

Feather watched the red pandas have a quick celebration before lunging back into battle.

Feather, the Saviors, and every other Jickey on the battlefield were all in the air, throwing exploding seed pods and Bombs Berries and any other explosives towards the Palace.

They had all mutually agreed that they would keep their raid outside, as to not destroy the Palace beyond repair, just enough that Pirate had to come out of hiding.

The Bears slammed the door over and over, roaring with all their might.

Every single Creature Feather could imagine had showed up, and were all fighting for their Forest.

So were the Coyotes.

They were all burly and muscles and knew what they were doing, and the battle was perilous. Both sides lost many.

Feather tried to keep everyone safe, but she couldn't be in two places at once, and the screams of just before death echoed throughout the land.

She slammed her eyes shut as she saw a Coyote stab a red fox through the heart, then watch that same Coyote be taken down by the fox's teammates, taking its spear and shoving it through the Coyote's own heart.

In one, swift moment, Pirate slammed the front doors open, looking angrier than Feather had ever seen from anyone.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!" Pirate bellowed, his voice somehow louder and more powerful than the crowd.

They all snapped their heads towards him.

He tapped his bracelets twice, then, when nothing happened, felt a new surge of rage mixed with fear.

Feather whistled shrilly through her teeth.

"Oi, looking for these?!" she screamed at him, holding his bracelets up, in the Sunlight, where they glittered with betrayal.

Pirate's eyes widened, and he let out a deafening shriek of rage, sadness, and power.

Feather flinched, but stood her ground, gripping the bracelets tighter.

Every Magical in the Sky started chanting in unison, and in a short moment, each bracelet was shattered into dust.

The crowd cheered wildly, leaping around and shrieking with glee, drowning Pirate out for a moment.

Pirate's rage only grew, and he laughed maniacally, echoing to the entire crowd. Sor tightened fiercely around his neck and both of their fangs dripped that black sludge like water from a pump.

Feather could sense he was going to go ballistic, and leapt from the sky to face him, engaging him in a one-on-one battle. Just her and him.

Feather made quick maneuvers, biting down on areas like his shoulders or the back of his neck. Pirate snarled wildly, his claws, that seemed as though they had grown to twice their size, ripping through her ankles and her haunches, leaving nasty, gaping wounds.

He grabbed her in a swift, forceful movement and pinned her down, facing him, and his wicked smile grew beyond his face.

"I'm going to enjoy this," he hissed, the sound seeping into all of their skulls. Everyone was frozen, watching, terrified. Like Pirate had paralyzed them.

Equity suddenly landed behind him, smoking with nothing but unbridled, unable to hold back, fury.

She raked her claws of fire through Pirate, him shrieking and shriveling, but too furious to pay it any mind.

His grip on Feather loosened just enough for her to surge all her power into her back legs and kicked him off of her, scrambling out of the way when Thorn shouted.


Feather grabbed one of the guards' spears, then shoved it through Pirate's chest, him letting out one last cry of fury before sinking to the ground, trembling for a few moments before stopping all together.

Thorn got a tiny glimpse of Dutch wincing from their bedroom window, then disappearing.

Sage laughed, and just to be sure he was really and truly dead, she, Moss, Acorn, Equity, and Thorn threw everything they had at him.

Exploding seed pods, knives, Bombs Berries, sabers, arrows, flames, poison sap, anything and everything they had.

In the end, his corpse was burnt, fur blackened and charred, he had thorns in his eyes, and so many stab wounds he looked like he was made of holes. Blood poured from him, staining the earth a cruel but victorious red.

Pirate bled out without a sound, and Feather noticed his Snake had vanished into thin air. Its body wasn't anywhere to be seen. But she couldn't care. They had done it.

Pirate was dead.

They all took a couple steps away from the body, Feather half sure that he would just stand up again, laughing off his head.

But he didn't. He was dead. The crowd stood there, silent, watching Pirate. Then looking at the remaining Coyotes, who were all fixated on their leader's corpse.

If Feather wasn't mistaken, most of them looked relieved.

"Well," Equity began. "He truly went out with a bang."

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