Chapter 20: All Alone

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Equity whispered her special phrase and Feather skillfully leapt across the boulders, keeping the Orb tight to her chest, shoving her way past the Coyotes.

Her friends tried to follow them but Equity held them back, knowing what she was doing.

"Stay safe, we'll meet back where we met before! If I'm not back in a week, come looking for me!" Feather shouted, running out of the Cave.

Thorn leapt as high as he could.

"Stay bold," he called after her, his eyes threatening to leak, confused beyond measure.

Moss put a paw on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Thorn. She'll be back soon."

"Yeah, I hope so."

Feather flew as fast as she could, her plan was unfolding perfectly. The Coyotes were chasing her and leaving her friends alone for the time being. They only needed a short amount of time to escape, Pirate hopefully not knowing where to look for them.

Her wings carried her swiftly and smoothly, focusing only on avoiding the tangles of Snake Vines ahead of her and the sound of the Coyotes' pounding footsteps behind her.

"Faster, you Fools, don't let her get away!" Pirate snarled through his subjects.

Feather flew faster and landed in the trees, scampering through the canopy. She needed to get out of sight, and her blue fur wasn't helping her do so.

The Coyotes chased her relentlessly. She climbed to the top of the trees, able to see the Sun and sniff the air, but the Coyotes managed to follow her.

She finally burst through the treetops, flying above the canopy. The Coyotes could never follow her up here.

Right? No, no, of course they can't. Coyotes don't have wings. I just have to find someplace to rest where they can't follow, she thought.

She flew West, hopefully getting off the Coyote's route. She had never flown so high or fast before, but she adored it. She spun in the air, laughing, still holding on tight to the Orb of Preservation.

She could feel the power of it pulsing through her veins, making her faster and braver and better. This was going to save the Forest, she could save the Forest right now!

She shook her head. It was a team effort to get where they were, she wanted to save the Forest together.

Feather's wingbeats pounded in her ears and she dove, spreading her wings just moments before she got tangled in the canopy. She laughed, doing flips and twists. She finally felt truly free.

She caught a whiff of salt and stopped to hover. She got the whiff of salt back home, but never understood it. She had the opportunity to find out what it was and where it came from!

Her stomach growled ferociously.

After a quick snack break, she thought with a nod.

She dove into the trees, being surrounded by darkness once more. But, this time, it seemed less scary, it seemed more alive.

Her grandmother, Elder Pyramid, had told her about a curse that was put on the Forest. The curse surrounded the Forest in darkness and fear until someone was brave enough to climb to the very tops of the trees.

Had she broken the curse? She wasn't scared anymore.

Maybe I've just gotten used to it, she thought. Ugh, too many thoughts. I'm hungry.

Feather dug through her satchel, finally finding a pouch filled with berries and mushrooms, tossing a few in her mouth.

Feather touched the feather around her neck, the one Sage had given her. It was bloodstained and dirty, torn in some places. It was the last present she had gotten from Sage and she ruined it.

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