Chapter 13: Crystal Lake

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The Saviors were so close that they could see Crystal Lake. Up close and personal!

Feather had never seen water so clear but also so foggy, it was very strange. Mystical, even, but that was the way the Forest operated, Feather knew that by now.

A dense mist covered the Lake, as far as the eye could see there was only water and fog.

They decided to rest their wings and walk for a while. Moss seemed mostly awake, though not quite there. He hummed under his breath to songs Feather had never heard and he tripped over his paws, though that was just normal.

Poppy walked in long strides ahead of the Saviors and Quail walked behind them, muttering nervously to himself.

He hated being awake, or, more so, he hated being weak. He wished he was strong, like Poppy.

Sage took a long, deep breath. She could smell something, it smelled like a storm.

She could tell the others smelled it too. They walked with caution and their muscles tense. Their lips were curled up just slightly and their eyes darted wildly.

Quail rolled around in the sand, trying to wake himself up. He stretched his legs and walked alongside his sister.

Thorn slowly walked towards Feather, who was washing the dry blood off her fur with Acorn. They both looked like they had scars now. They all looked like they had scars now, actually.

He sat next to Feather, his heart pounding.

"Um, hey."

She turned to him.


"Um, I... I just wanted to say... Um... I... I THINK YOU'RE REALLY PRETTY OKAY, BYE FOREVER," he shouted, immediately running away and slamming his head in the sand beside Sage and Moss, who were mapping Stars in the sand.

"Now, just what in Tempus's name was that?" Sage asked, not looking up.

"Would you believe me if I told you I have absolutely no idea," Thorn asked flatly, his voice muffled.

"What in the Stars was that?" Acorn giggled.

Feather shrugged with a small smile, returning to the conversation they were having before Thorn did... Whatever that was.

Suddenly, they all heard a roar. It was piercingly clear but muffled at the same time.

The Saviors leaped to their paws, fur bristling, all looking at Poppy and Quail, who were fixated on a large, vague silhouette in the fog.


Another roar pierced through the Sky.

"Coaxoch," the twins whispered in unison.

Quail curled up on the ground and started sobbing.

"Wh... What's Coaxoch?!" Feather demanded.

Quail sobbed harder.

"Coaxoch is The Dragon that lives in the Lake. It's like a puddle to her, and she's very upset about it," Poppy replied, her voice breaking.

She was shaking, unable to focus on one point.

The color drained from the Saviors' faces and Quail wailed.


Acorn fumbled around her satchel for something to use that would help them. She whipped out her electric purple berries, hoping for the best.

Saviors of the ForestWhere stories live. Discover now