Chapter 30: Confrontation

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Thorn ended up being the double agent, and was now standing in the branches near the Palace. They had agreed to have a chain of messengers, starting with Dutch, who Thorn trusted could be their inside ally.

Feather hugged him tight, burying her head into the crook of his chest for a moment. "You better not die. Because if you do I'll kill you."

"I won't," Thorn said with a chuckle.

Moss flung his wings around Thorn, hugging him tight.

"We're really gonna miss you," he said.

Thorn gently rubbed his shoulder. "Don't you worry, I'll be back before you even get a chance to miss me."

"I already miss you!" Moss cried, hugging him tighter.

Acorn twined her tail around Thorns' and bumped his shoulder affectionately.

"Y'all are saps," Thorn mused. "I've really gotta get goin', y'know."

The others pulled away and looked at him, all relatively wet faced.

"Sorry," Feather mumbled. "You've got this, you're gonna do amazing. Stay bold," she said with a grin.

Thorn felt his chest swell with love, affection, and respect for his team- No, his family, and with that, he was off, awkwardly lumbering through the treetops, not daring to look back, because he knew it would kill him.

Sooner or later, the trees became sparse and he dropped to the ground, slowly walking towards the Palace that was swarming with Coyotes.

None of them seemed to notice Thorn as he was coming towards them, all of them more focused on their own tasks, which he was definitely grateful for, and also wary of.

He found the same side entrance he and the others had used their first trip to the Palace and raised his chin up high, putting a small scowl on his face.

The guards looked at him and then bared their teeth, brandishing the spears on their backs.

"Hey, knock that off," Thorn barked.

The Coyotes, much to his surprise, actually did falter.

"I'm here to work with Pirate," Thorn said, narrowing his eyes at the guards.

The guards fumbled before opening the doors, mumbling hurriedly.

"Take me to him, please and thank you," Thorn said, not letting any sign of his overwhelming fear show.

He took seemingly effortless glances around, and the guards hesitated before looking back at their post.

"Oh, nevermind," Thorn scoffed. "I'll find it myself. Good day," he said, then walking through the crowded halls of the Palace, bustling with guards and servants and guests of all sorts and anything else you could name.

He strode across the entryway and up the large, beautiful marble staircase and down the main hallway, the door to Pirate's throne room at the end of the hall.

He gave a couple quick taps, fixed a Feather-esque annoyed but regal expression, and the door opened.

It was Dutch who had opened the door, and his eyes widened, but he kept his cool, skittering back under Pirates' paws.

Pirate's eyes, completely black with glowing yellow pupils, widened dramatically and a horrible smile crept onto his face.

"Well, well, what have we here?" he hissed. "Do come in."

Thorn obeyed and stared Pirate down, which did surprise him.

"Good afternoon, Pirate, I'd like to propose a deal."

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