Chapter 16: Claws of Fire

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The Jickeys wandered aimlessly for a long while, Feather trying her very hardest to get her Navigator abilities to kick in. They needed to find this 'Orb of Preservation' thing before Pirate did. It was their only hope.

Poppy rolled her near-black eyes at Feather.

"You are a miserable, miserable wreck of a Creature," she stated, "And we are all going to die."

Feather growled at her and Thorn pushed himself between the two, trying to ease the tension.

"Alright, guys, let's not panic. I'm sure all Navigators do this every once and again! It's just natural."

But Feather knew that wasn't true. Birch and Cardinal could Navigate at will, never any struggles, never any mistakes.

They were both perfect, they truly were perfect. Even more so together! They had the perfect chemistry. Cardinal was charming and Birch was... Well, really, she wasn't amused. Or, that's what she pretended, anyway.

But now Cardinal was only half of a heart, and Birch was dead.

This isn't helping, she thought, frustrated. I can do this. I can! My friends believe in me. Birch and Cardinal believe in me. I think... No, no, they do! Probably.

No, self love, I'm doing great! For someone who's never been to school a day in her life, this is amazing.

She shook her head vigorously, trying to unrattle her brains. She maneuvered her way through clusters of Strangler and Snake Vines, listening to her friend's whispers.

Though, when she listened closer, it didn't sound like her friends at all. Or, more accurately, not just her friends.

She heard other whispers. The distant roars of Coaxoch, the stories of the trees, perhaps the ones they told each other, and the near-silent scuttling above them, that was no doubt Coyote Scouts following them.

Feather turned around and walked backward for a moment, gesturing above them with her eyes. Thorn nodded, and Feather knew he had heard it long before she had.

Moss leaned into Acorn, looking barely conscious. He mumbled something worriedly, twitching uncontrollably.

"You guys," Acorn said. "We have to stop. Moss needs rest and I can't support him for the next twelve hours."

Feather pushed Thorn to the front, pulling Moss in her direction, letting him lean on her instead of Acorn.

"We'll take turns supporting him, but we can't stop. If we stop, they win."

Acorn frowned at her worriedly, but knew that it wasn't safe to linger.

"Alright... But when we find the Orb thingy, we get to rest. Okay?"

Feather nodded gratefully, thankful to have saved an argument. She gently ushered Moss along with her, the other Jickeys trotting ahead, Acorn staying a little further behind, glancing over her shoulder every few minutes.

Moss mumbled something a little louder, his brow furrowing and his tail lashing. Feather gently pet his head, whispering reassurance to him. But it wouldn't help.

Moss was having a dream, the same dream he thought he had conquered months ago.

"Mossy!" Pine shouted, "Watch me!"

Moss was chained to the bottom of the Ravine by the Village, and Pine flapped her tiny wings, saying how she would twist dive into the Ravine. But there were Coyotes in the Ravine.

"No!" Moss shouted, but his voice fell like stones, Pine never hearing him. "Pine, you can't jump! They'll get you!"

He pulled against the chains, trying to save his baby sister. She only giggled, her voice unleashing an avalanche that drenched the entire World in honey.

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