Chapter 42: Goodbye, but it Really is Good

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The Saviors stood in a clearing, covered in wildflowers of all shades. They had been enjoying the powerful beauty of the Forest, and had even gone to the Ocean together. That had been an adventure, and now they each had a shell, as a souvenir.

They were basking in the Sunlight, and had washed up in the sea, so they were nice and clean for the first time in ages.

Sage took a deep breath, in between Acorn and Feather. Moss, Thorn, and Equity were all cuddled next to them.

They all knew it was the day, but nobody wanted to acknowledge it, and instead just have fun, pretending it would last forever.

"You guys," Sage said, looking at the sky. "It's time. I've got to go," she said with a sad smile.

Feather looked at her, and tears formed in her eyes without her permission. Acorn chewed her lip, wishing they could just stay like this for a little while longer. Moss leapt into a hug, holding her with all the strength he had, which was noticeably more than when they had first started, as if he just held her tight enough she couldn't leave. Thorn stared at her, smiling sadly, trying to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Don't be sad," Sage said. "It's okay, I'll never, ever forget you guys. And I got to say goodbye, we got to defeat Pirate together! We'll always be together, and this is what I want. Really."

"I don't want you to go," Moss sobbed, and Sage held his face in her paws.

"Listen, Mossy. You are far more incredible than you know, you're strong, and you're gonna be okay. I'll always be with you, always, always, always. You can't be too sad, alright? We've done our job, and now it's time for us to keep living. Can you do that for me?" she said gently, looking at Moss with affection.

"I'll try," Moss promised, pressing his forehead against hers.

"Thorn, you're amazing. Seriously. This world is lucky to have you, you're so brave, and you're stronger than you know. Stay bold for me, won't you?" she said, cracking a grin.

Thorn returned the watery smile, hugging her with everything he was.

"Hey, Acorn, it's gonna be okay. Do what you love, you're so talented, you're gonna go far, really. I'll be right there with you every step of the way. Stars as my witness," she said, doing everything she could to hold her tears in.

She flapped to Acorn, squeezing her paws tight, and Acorn squeezed her paws back, struggling to breathe through the tears.

"Yo, Equity, you're probably the most fire creature I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I'm really really glad I got to meet you. Take care of them for me, won't you?" she said, shooting finger guns at Equity, who barked a watery laugh, her tears evaporating.

"I'll take care of them," Equity promised, hugging Sage as tight as she possibly could, scooping her right off the ground.

Sage whooped and giggled, squeezing out of the hugs and standing in front of all of them.

"You're all such an incredible inspiration to me, and I'm so glad I got to spend my life together, with you all. It's sad it has to be over so soon, but it's really for the best. I promise. Don't you go forgetting about me, y'hear?"

Feather nodded with a sigh, and they all piled on her for a few minutes, whispering their goodbyes.

"I love you, Sage," Feather whispered. "I always will. You're my family."

"I love you too," Sage whispered, hugging Feather tight.

There were no words to describe the things she wanted to say to Feather, no combination of words to explain how incredible she was, or how she affected Sage's life, or how grateful she was to have her.

"I really, really love you, Feath," she said, as it was the best she could do.

Feather understood what she was trying to say. She always did. And she felt the same way.

Sage took a step back and looked at Acorn, debating whether she should say what she wanted to. She decided she should, this was her last chance, after all.

"Listen, Acorn, I know there's nothing we can do anymore, but I just thought you should know that I really really like you. Alot," she said, looking at Acorn with all the love in the world.

Acorn's breath hitched and she couldn't say anything, instead pressed a short kiss on Sage's forehead, both rosy cheeked.

Then they all stepped back, and Sage started breaking into bits of light, she gave one last giant, trademark grin and a wave, and then she dissolved into particles of mist and light, floating above them, and then disappearing into the clouds.

Feather choked out a laugh-sob, and held her found family tight.

"Goodbye, Sage," she whispered to the Sky.

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