Chapter 39: There's a Really Big Storm Coming

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Another day had come and gone with no incident. Pirate hadn't had the need to mind control anyone besides Equity, who was still in his control, but not for much longer.

Today was the day.

Thorn could hardly keep his composure when Pirate came to wake him.

"Goodmorning, Thorn," he said with a polite nod. "I don't have many meetings today, and, as you know, we're leaving for your Village tomorrow."

"How could I forget?" Thorn asked with a smirk.

Pirate barked a laugh.

"Of course, I never should've doubted you, my friend. I hope you don't mind eating alone this morning, I don't have a meeting and would like to spend some time with Dutch," Pirate said.

"I don't mind at all. Congratulations, by the way. Dutch told me what happened, I couldn't be happier for you two," Thorn said, and a part of him meant it.

Pirate flushed lightly and he gave a polite smile.

"Thank you, it means a lot," he said, then turning and walking down the staircase.

Thorn waited till he was sure he was gone before slipping out of his room, satchel slung around his neck. He slipped into the dining hall and saw his platter and Dutch's. He guessed the message hadn't made it to the cooks.

Oh well, Thorn thought eagerly, piling both of their food in his satchel, for his found family.

He knew they hadn't eaten anything as good as the Coyote's food, and he wanted to share. He hoped there was enough for all of them. He wasn't planning on having any, so he hoped that would help some.

He waved to the couple of guards he had somewhat befriended. Callisto and Blackout. Callisto seemed to adore him, and Blackout was wary of him.

They didn't know of his plan or the raid that was happening as soon as he met up with his found family.

They had agreed that as soon as he came out and reached the Saviors, they all attacked with everything they had. Which, with the knowledge that Thorn had, was probably a whole ton.

Thorn walked out of the courtyard doors casually, pretending he was just going to admire the flowers. As soon as the guards weren't looking, he flapped over the stone wall and landed silently on the other side.

It was still early, and the night guards were still on duty, but they would be switching in about twenty minutes. They had clearly been on duty all night and were exhausted. Thorn almost felt bad for them, for what was about to happen.


He sprinted to the trees, where he could feel the presence of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of others waiting to pounce. The first one his eyes locked on was a powerful looking moose with formidable antlers.

He weaved his way through the crowd till he finally saw her unmistakable pale sapphire coat and her large, white wings twitching.

"Guess who," Thorn said with a smile, then stopping in his tracks when he spotted Sage and her mist.

All he could mutter was a small, confused, "Huh?"

Feather lit up and flung her wings around him. "YOU'RE SAFE, YOU'RE HERE, OH MY STARS," she exclaimed, and Thorn spun her around, smiling that smile of his.

Moss and Acorn laughed excitedly and hugged him tight.

"We missed you SO MUCH," Moss cried, and Thorn hugged them all tight. Sage stood out of the hug and smiled softly at him.

"Is it?" Thorn asked quietly. Feather nodded.

"Sage. She's not back for long, but she should have enough time to be here for the thing and be able to meet Equity before she leaves for her next life."

Thorn stared at her for a minute. She had scars on her face, just like the rest of them, but looked semi transparent and ghostly, white mist twirling around her as she smiled that familiar smile up at him.

"Hey," she said casually.

Thorn wrapped her in his wings and paws, scooping her right off the ground in the hug, laughing and crying at the same time. The others joined in, and for a brief moment, they all forgot about everything except this feeling of happiness and near completion.

Feather took a deep breath. "All the Magicals are going to destroy the bracelets as soon as Pirate gets out here."

She leapt into the air, raising her voice to the honestly gigantic crowd. "We're about to strike. Pass it to those behind you," she commanded, fierce but inspiring. Kind of like Lark.

The crowd immediately passed the message until everyone had gotten it.

Feather gave the signal, which was all the Guardians doing their Screech Owl call thing at once. It was loud enough to deafen, but it was absolutely nothing compared to the chaos that ensued right after.

Saviors of the ForestOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant