Chapter 44: The End

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"Well, Feather ended up getting a job at the Nursery, where she helped Hanna take care of all the pups. A lot more were born, y'know. Thorn kept Inventing, each one better than the last, and everyone was fascinated by them and purchased them all the time. But, he was also a Poet on the side, a great one at that. Feather finally told her momma about Thorn, and while she wasn't impressed, there wasn't too much she could do. She and Thorn became Forever Mates about two years later and had three pups, triplets. Crescent, Creek, and Faun. And they're just beautiful. Moss and Acorn realized their feelings for one another and became Mates. And they're just the cutest pair in the world! They had sextuplets, as you know, which is six pups at one time. Your cousins, two years old now. Acorn started a cafe in the Village, which she called Cafe La Rue. Moss began writing music and played it at Cafe La Rue, and the Village loved him. The Saviors all took trips to the Forest every once in awhile, to see what was happening. Dutch had become the king of Coyotes, and he was a wonderful ruler. They started building their own Palace, so the Jickeys can have their Palace back. That's still in the works, but as soon as it's done, Dutch's letting us know. With a lot of begging, Feather finally convinced Equity, Frigid, Epiphany, Hawthorn, and Tora to move to the Village, which had been moved to the edge of the Forest, instead of being hours away from it. The Hidden Warriors were still going strong, preparing, in case this ever happened again. Greyling and his friends were officially Hidden Warriors now, and didn't ever come back to the Village. Poppy and Quail ended up joining them, leaving the Lost Village behind. The Village made a full recovery and started making buildings above ground, and Jickeys traveled to and from the Forest all the time, even gaining a few allies. The Saviors were as happy as could be, and remained closer than ever. And that's the end of the story, at least for now," Feather finally finished.

The Moons were high in the sky by now, Feather hadn't really realized how long she had been at it.

Crescent wagged her tail eagerly. "Momma, that's amazing! You guys really did all that?"

Feather laughed, holding all three of her young pups in her wings, Thorn sitting with them.

"We've got the scars to prove it, don't we?" Feather asked, nudging Thorn's cheek, and he smiled lovingly at his family.

"We have the coolest Momma in the whole Universe," Creek murmured, burying himself in her fur.

"Tell us again!" Faun cried.

"I don't think so, sugar, we've been telling this story every night for a week. We're exhausted. Maybe when you're a little older," Thorn said, kissing her head. "Now you three need to get to bed, alright?"

Crescent frowned at her father.

"But Papaaaaa," she complained.

"Crescent," Feather said with a pointed look.

"Okay," she said after a second. "Goodnight Momma, goodnight Papa," she said, and her siblings followed after her, curling up in their individual beds.

"Goodnight, my baby birds," Feather whispered, kissing each of them goodnight.

Thorn tucked each of them in and kissed their foreheads.

"Goodnight, I love you," he whispered to each of them.

They crept out of their room and sat on their front porch together.

"Crescent is definitely her mother's daughter," Thorn mused.

Feather snickered.

"Thorn?" she asked.


"I love you," Feather said softly, resting her head on his shoulder.

"I love you too," Thorn said, resting his head atop hers.

Saviors of the ForestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora