Chapter 12: The Lost Village

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Feather didn't let herself be hurt by the Chief's words. Or, at least, she didn't let herself look like she was hurt by the Chief's words.

The Chief narrowed his piercing yellow eyes at the Saviors.

"Who are you really?" he hissed.

Thorn growled through clenched teeth.

"We already told you, we're the Saviors."

Viktor nodded.

"Yes, indeed, it is true. The Saviors have finally come to put an end to the Coyote's reign," he said dramatically.

The Chief gave them a confused look, though still threatening.

"How funny, I didn't think anything was wrong with how His Lordship is running things."

The Saviors faltered.

"His Lordship?" Acorn asked, her voice raising just an octave.

It was enough to make Moss sweat bullets.

Sage scowled. She didn't trust this Jickey, not one bit.

"Pirate," The Jickey corrected, clearing his throat. "You know, I don't believe in any Legends, none of that nonsense." He shrugged. "But I thought, if the Saviors just so happened to exist, they would be from my Village. Strong and well... Not... You."

He barked a laugh, looking at Moss, who was shaking so hard he looked like nothing but a blur.

Acorn nudged his shoulder.

"Calm down, precious," she cooed. Moss leaned into her, calmed by her scent of honey and paper.

"Your Village?" Thorn challenged.

Sage whipped her head around to face him.

"What are you doing?!" she whisper-yelled.

Thorn ignored her, staring directly at the Chief with a face so rigid you could mistake it for stone.

The Chief snorted.

"Of course, my Village. I am Chief Scorpion, and I don't have to answer any questions from some lowly mutt," he said confidently.

Acorn growled and Chief Scorpion rolled his beady eyes at her.

She opened her satchel and before you could say "Oh my Stars" she was on his shoulders, digging her back claws into his matted fur.

"I have multiple poisons in this bag, do not force me to use them," she hissed in his ear with a honeyed smile.

Chief Scorpion flinched slightly, regaining himself with a smirk.

"So, you can stand your ground," he said.

"Yes," Feather said, her body stiff and taut, ready to fight but still looking regal.

Sage mimicked Feather's regal posture, making herself look important. Her eyes shone with new ferocity, but she bit her tongue as hard as she could and held it in.

Chief Scorpion sat back down by the fire, giving what must've been his Patrol a look. He made a gesture with his head and they immediately got up and stood around the fire, all scowling.

"Well, come, sit, introduce yourselves," Chief Scorpion hissed, wearing a smug smirk that gave Feather the creeps.

Sage growled, biting down on her tongue so hard it bled. Feather wrapped a paw around her friend and sat across from the Chief.

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