Chapter 25: The Old Palace

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Feather paced around the Bombs Berry bush, not being able to sleep. Her internal clock told her it was about four in the morning. She was waiting for Keeper and Kaede.

She was early, she knew, but she hadn't really factored how early.

She clambered into the closest non lethal tree and decided to wait.

And she waited, she waited for a long time.

Finally, Keeper and Kaede we're so close Feather could've tackled them. She climbed back to the ground and Kaede smiled.

"How'd it go?" he asked.

Feather didn't know what he was talking about.

"Don't leave out any details," Keeper said with obnoxiously eager emphasis.

Now Feather understood and she sighed with exasperation, flushing.

The three started walking, all of them leading, as well as memorizing. Feather started telling them about what happened with Thorn, blushing all the while.

Keeper teased Feather and Kaede slapped her.

Before they knew it, the trees started to grow scarce and Feather could see a large, weathered stone Castle through the trees. It was covered in vines and had a large, wooden door, as well as towers and spirals and intricate carvings behind the ivy. There was a pond near the entrance and it had a large, well kept courtyard off to the side.

It would've been absolutely sensational, if not for the hundreds of Coyotes that bustled around it.

Kaede's eyes widened and he dropped to the ground as quietly as he could. Keeper twisted around, looking for something to cover them. She noticed a tree with long, large, sweeping leaves close enough nearby and plucked three off.

"Make this into a hood or a cloak or something," she said, handing the others their leaves.

She started fiddling with hers, scurrying up the same tree they had gotten the leaves from, all of them stabbing little janky holes in their leaves and using thin, noodle-like vines hanging from a different tree as thread.

None of them were Crafters, so they had pretty much no idea how to make anything extraordinary out of the leaves, and Feather needed a lot of help, but eventually they had leaf cloaks and hoods, and they were long enough that they covered all of their fur. That was the most important bit, that nobody saw their fur and wings, Feather in particular.

The three split up, Feather scurried up a tree, Kaede crouched closer to the Palace, and Keeper ran to a dense cluster of bushes. She crouched and she watched.

Feather watched the Coyotes, where their guards were stationed, when more seemed to arrive and when more seemed to leave.

Feather noticed a ten minute period when the guards switched stations every few hours. Feather knew that moment would be when she and the other Saviors would get in the Palace. All she needed was the inner layout of the Palace.

She carefully slid down the tree and Navigated her way to Keeper.

"We need to get inside," she whispered.

"We'll wait for them to switch positions again, then we'll get in," she replied, her voice hushed. Feather nodded and clambered back into her tree.

They watched the Palace for three hours before a whistle was blown from one of the towers and the guards started moving.

"Go, go go go," Kaede whispered, as Keeper had informed them of their plan hours before.

They walked towards the Palace with their heads down, and Feather could feel eyes on them, probably thinking their fashion was strange, and hopefully not seeing right through their disguise. They arrived at the front entrance as soon as the guards finished reposting.

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