Chapter 41: Preservation

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The Saviors stood in shock for a few minutes, the entire crowd silent, the only sound being the rising and falling of their breathing.

It was over. Pirate's reign was finally over.

Of course, it was not without sacrifice, and the corpses of brave warriors who gave their lives for the freeing of the Forest lay scattered around the battlefield. A cloud of blood, grief, but also hope filled the air.

Whatever happened next was up to the sane Coyotes. Personally, Feather thought maybe Dutch should lead them. He seemed more than capable.

Sage suddenly laughed, and Feather laughed with her. Then the other Saviors joined in, and soon the entire crowd was laughing and cheering wildly and uncontrollably. Even though there was such loss, there was such gain as well, and there would never be another famine or massacre or anything, and they all knew that.

There was screaming, crying, hugging, reunions, kissing, laughing, cheering, chanting, and anything else you could imagine.

Feather very carefully handed Equity her medallion back, which she put on gratefully, then pulled all the Saviors into a group hug.

Feather lit up, and, despite herself, big, wet tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Equity, this is Sage. Sage, this is Equity," she said, her voice coming out in shaky breaths, trying to hold back tears.

Equity immediately scooped Sage into a hug, them both dancing around together.

"I already feel like I've known you for years, so excuse me for my lack of formal introductions," Equity admitted.

"Don't worry, I feel the same way," Sage said, then pulling the rest of them into the hug.

The Guardians all screamed excitedly, Equity and Frigid dancing together and laughing, just like everyone else in that crowd.

History just went down, Feather realized. They had just created History.

She laughed loud and hard through her tears of euphoria, it just poured out of her.

"Now, who's ready to heal the Forest? With the Orb?" she asked her found family, who all cheered excitedly, leaping into the air.

"Hey, wait," Equity said, pulling something out of her satchel, which was also flameproof.

Six earrings, with a smooth oval of gemstone on the end. They were made of invincible silk and the gemstone that was the color of each of the Saviors. She even grabbed one for Sage, in spirit. Convenient, huh?

"You'll need these," she said, smiling shyly, handing each of them their earring.

Sapphire for Feather, Black Tourmaline for Thorn, Emerald for Moss, Smoky Quartz for Acorn, Quartz for Sage, and Orange Topaz for Equity.

Acorn pulled out a needle, cleaned it real quick, and smiled.

"You sap," she said, winking at Equity, who blushed, embarrassed.

Feather, whose ears were already pierced, just watched as Acorn pierced their ears and gently stuck their earrings in.

Moss only cried a little bit. Equity, on the other paw, just stabbed hers in, which made them all wince, but Equity smiled again, and Feather pulled out the Orb of Preservation.

They all held the Orb, all together, all six of them, and sent a quick prayer to the Stars.

Equity flapped her wings carefully and took a deep breath, beginning to hum. The Orb's power was only activated once Equity sung the song.

"The leaves of our trees are decayed," she began slowly and low, her voice aching with mystery and beauty. "Our sorrowful numbers are very outweighed. The Moons hanging above, please shine us with love, please bring our home to life again."

She took another deep breath. "Let the trees grow, through sun and through shine, through sleet and through snow, oh please let the trees grow," she finished, her voice low and silky.

In that moment, the Orb combusted, a sonic boom of healing, golden light blasting the Saviors back and into the ground, shaking the ground and swaying the trees, exploding throughout the Forest.

Once everyone had recovered and was on their paws again, Feather looked around. The air felt different, it felt clean and revived.

"Let's hope we never need that again," Equity stated.

"...Did it work?" Moss asked.

"Let's find out," Feather said breathlessly, slowly inching towards the Forest, the others following.

The crowd waited in anticipation, and Feather took a cautious step back into the Forest.

But it was completely different. Where there used to be carnivorous trees and plants, poisonous everythings, there were now tall, strong Oak trees and berry bushes and healthy vines, anything you could imagine. Green, healthy moss lined the roots, grass sprung up where before there had only been mud and dead leaves. There were even a few small wildflowers, and Sunlight now filtered to the Forest floor.

Feather was trembling at this point. The other Saviors stood beside her, the crowd beginning to explore the now safe Forest.

"It worked," Feather said, too stunned to move.

"It WORKED!" she screamed, hugging her found family as tight as she could, her heart pounding and her chest swelling with so much triumph and joy she thought it might pop.

They all jumped for joy and raced around the Forest, it was just instinct. They raced through the trees and branches, leaping and bounding. The crowd ran behind them in their own groups. Feather was overwhelmed with happiness, everything was just as it always should've been.

She listened to the groups marvel and cry happily, everyone so overwhelmed with emotion. The Forest was safe again, it was healthy. The next generation would have a Forest that was meant to nurture them, not murder them.

The Saviors squealed, dancing in circles all together.

Acorn plucked a big, juicy berry right off the bush and popped it in her mouth. She broke out in a smile.

"You guys, you realize we just did it? We just fulfilled the Prophecy? We just saved the entire World?" Moss asked, his heart pounding like drums.

"This is insane. Best day ever?" Feather asked.

"No doubt. Best day ever," Thorn said, nudging her shoulder with his own.

Feather laughed uncontrollably, feeling like she was floating. Sage grabbed her paws and they spun around together.

"We did it, we all did it. The best part is we did it all together," Acorn said.

Equity whooped, Frigid at her side, both smothering each other.

"I got to meet Sage, and now we'll never be separated ever again," she said, mostly to Frigid, who smiled so wide it almost hurt.

Everything was complete, truly and fully complete. Feather couldn't've been more proud.

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