Chapter 35: Sage

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Feather couldn't even try to stop it. Her tears poured out of her like waterfalls, and she carefully landed back on the ledge, gasping for breath.

Sage gave her a sad smile.

"Aw, baby, it's alright," she said gently.

Feather sobbed even harder, trying to say something, anything. Anything about what's happening, how the others are, where they're going, about her, tell her how much they miss her. Instead she only choked out sobs.

Sage pulled her into her paws, gently petting her head. Feather curled into the tightest ball she could, soaking up all of Sage's touch. It was different than what she was used to, but it was Sage. It was really Sage.

Feather pulled herself together and looked at her, in those pale blue eyes of hers. Sage looked at her back, shooting her a grin.

"Surprised?" was all she had to say.

Feather frowned, then broke into giggles. "Are you really here?"

"For a little while," Sage said with a distant smile, absentmindedly tracing her dainty, ghost claw over Feather's cheek, which she leaned into.

"How long is a little while?"

"Well, I begged and begged and begged Tempus, and she gave me a week, then back to the gates. Then I get to start my next life! I'm excited! But nervous... And I don't want to forget about this life! I don't know what I'd do if I forgot about you guys. Hey, speaking of which, where are they?" Sage explained.

Feather's smile poured out of her, hugging Sage as tight as she could.

"That sounds so cool. I can't wait to meet you in your next life. The others are safe. Moss and Acorn are down there somewhere. Thorn is at the Palace. The Old Palace. Stars, there's so much to catch you up on..." Feather realized.

Sage grinned wide. "Tell me everything."

The two of them talked till sunrise, Feather telling her everything that had happened, telling her how much they all missed her, telling her everything about everything.

Sage listened eagerly, feeling such pride for her friends, her teammates, her family.

Somewhere along the way, they switched from talking about the mission to just talking how they used to. Any random thing that popped into their heads and then laughing about it.

"Wait, oh my Stars, I never even told you. Lichen asked me to be his Forever Mate, can you even?" Feather asked, pulling out the now crumpled note from Lichen and handing it to Sage.

She cackled. "But dude, you guys don't even talk anymore! He's hung up on you."

Feather groaned. "It's gonna be a nightmare to explain Thorn to him. And you, actually. Jeez, what am I supposed to tell your parents?!"

Sage faltered. "Oh... Yeah... Don't worry, Feath. It's gonna be okay, maybe there's a way I can ask Tempus to bring them peace and stuff. I dunno, but just don't worry about that right now. We have a job to do. Ooh, I'm so glad I get to do this with you!"

Feather laughed and nodded, both of them squeezing each other's paws.

"Oh, Moons," Feather said. "We should probably get Moss and Acorn... I didn't realize we were up all night!"

Sage giggled. "What do I say? 'Surprise, it's me!'"

"Why not?"

"Gosh, you and Thorn..." Sage said absentmindedly, with a giggle. She had been processing it since Feather had told her. "That's so cute. Unexpected but completely expected. GAAAH, that's so cute," she burbled.

Feather laughed and covered her cheeks. "Saaaage," she said. "C'mooon, let's goooo!"

"Fine, fine," Sage chirped, bounding down the mountain, Feather following right behind.

Feather found Moss and Acorn curled up in eachother's embrace. It made her heart melt.

Sage gripped her chest and a sappy smile appeared. "This is. So cute," she whispered.

"Isn't it? I don't know what happened, but for the past couple weeks they've been sleeping like this. It's absolutely adorable," Feather said.

Sage giggled, and Feather gently nudged Acorn awake, which woke Moss.

"Bonus, waking up Moss is super easy," Feather whispered.

Sage laughed, and the two cuddlebugs shot to their paws at the sound.

Sage waved, her mist bouncing with her.

"Hey," she said.

Acorn's heart pounded and she turned to Feather, giving her a look. Feather nodded, and Acorn's breath caught in her throat.


"At your service," Sage whispered, taking Acorn's paw in her own and gently kissing it, like they were in a royal play.

Acorn giggled, and flung the two of them into a tackle hug.

Moss squeaked and about a second later broke down sobbing, Feather wrapping her wings around him, which he sunk into gratefully.

Acorn and Sage laughed, both rosy cheeked. "You're here! How? Why? Is it forever? How long have you been here?" Acorn asked.

Sage giggled again.

"I've been here since last night. I would've come by sooner, but me and Feather got caught up. It's not forever, only a week, then back to the gates and then I get to start my next life. I don't know how... But I know why! I just needed to get just one last goodbye. One less gruesome and..." she trailed off, wrinkling her nose at the thought.

Acorn nuzzled her, and Moss threw himself into the group hug, Feather following suit.

"Thorn's at the Palace, ey?" Sage asked. "Four days... That should be enough time to finish this and still get time together, without having the world at stake!"

Moss nodded. "Are you gonna help?"

"Of course I am!" Sage chirped.

Acorn wrapped her wings around both of their shoulders, and twined tails with Sage. Feather leaned against Sage's shoulder, soaking in her ghostly warmth.

"Well, the bracelets should be delivered to Thorn soon, and then they'll find a way to switch them out for the real ones, the ones with the magic. I think Dutch will be a massive help," Acorn said, and Sage nodded.

"It feels so good to be back," Sage said with a happy sigh.

"You have no idea how good it feels to have you back," Feather murmured, nuzzling her shoulder.

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