Part 13

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Aizawa clambered out of his sleeping bag towards the end of class, snatching some sheets off of his desk as he stood facing the problem children that all the other teachers called students. It was a bit unexpected for Izuku-sensei to pop in, but he was glad that his son was able to come up with a name due to the newly returned teacher's help.

Midnight had scampered out soon after Izuku-sensei came in, likely trying to stay as far away from his observing gaze as she can get for as long as possible. It may not seem like it, but Izuku-sensei was always watching, always analyzing, finding your strengths and weaknesses so he could exploit them both. Aizawa was pretty sure he wasn't even doing it consciously, it was just constantly running through his mind. That may be the most unnerving part, actually.

His students hadn't quite figured that out yet, all they had seen was the dark light in his eyes when he got angry, and even that was only for a second. It wasn't even until his second year that Aizawa figured out how terrifying his teacher was. He had ended up transferring over to the hero course in his second year, so he didn't have Izuku-sensei's class until all the other students had already known him for a year. They had seemed to think that he was a bit eccentric, but they had no idea just how calculating he truly was.

When they all found out, it was on the same day. That day just might be burned into Aizawa's mind forever. That incident had made him see his teacher in a different light, one that caused darkened shadows to stretch out across his thoughts. He quickly shoved the memory out of his mind before he delved too deeply into that thought train.

He distributed the sheets of paper to his students quickly, trying to take the least amount of time on that particular part of this activity as possible. This next decision his students had to make was not one to be made with minimal thought process, so it was important to make sure they had the most amount of time possible for the next part of this activity.

"Those papers I just handed out were personally selected agencies from those of you were were drafted, and to those of you who weren't, there are forty agencies from around the country willing and able to take on interns at this time. You don't want to rush this decision of who you pick, so be meticulous about it. Come back tomorrow with your decisions on who you want to intern with."

With that, he zipped his sleeping bag back up and ignored the jibber-jabbering of the students. Izuku-sensei was still there, offering advice to those who were having a harder time picking their internship. He wasn't actually going to sleep right now, he was just going to listen. After all, he had gotten a full two hours of sleep last night. That was on the high end of the sleeping spectrum for him.

He could hear students declaring their internships out to the class, and smirked fondly when he heard Shinso planning to go with Edgeshot. The pro hero was a good choice for one who was aspiring to become an underground hero due to his mysterious nature. It was a well thought out and logical decision. And wasn't that the highest praise that one could give?


All Might was scribbling down notes on flashcards for his next heroics class when there came a knock at the door. He quickly placed his 'Teaching for Dummies' book in his desk drawer before calling whoever it was in. He saw a brilliant smile and blonde hair zip past the doorway and land straight into the chair in front of him.

Young Togata had received his quirk soon after the third-year Sports Festival had ended, heeding Izuku-sensei's warning about timing. They had done a single training session with the quirk, and with the first punch his young protege had ended up breaking all the bones in his arm. All Might wasn't quite sure what to do with that problem since he hadn't had the same struggles when he first used One For All.

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