Chapter six: Morning

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I wake up to a knock on my door, it was Estell telling me to get up. I tell her I'll be there in a minute as I look at the record player on the table. The record player is still spinning but the needle is up. I crawl out of bed and walk over to the record player to turn it off. I put the vinyl back in its folder and look around the room. I didnt realize it yesterday but theres a poster of Judy garland on the wall with a joke beside it that said. When gays mourn, they riot. Obviouly It was reffering to stone wall. I dont think that 2000 years of members of the LGBTQ+ had their last toll when Judy Garland died. But then again I wasnt there so I guess it's right.

I walk over to my wardrobe and put on the school uniform. I dont look bad but I do wish that I had jeans other than slacks on. Oh well. I get my school bag and pone as I leave my room. Estell and Liam are there waiting for me.
¨Well took you long enough¨
Estell says.
¨Hey I had to turn stuff off can you blame me? Aslo I forgot to put on a timer."
We laugh as we walkdown the stair way. We walk through the hall to find Jenny and Simon there setting up the table for breakfast. It looks exactly like the kind they got in those teen movies where there mom be making a grand feast and the kid takes a single god damn apple from the bowl of fruit that was just for show. Yeah..... that kind.

¨Good morning you three.¨
Jenny says with an upbeat attitude. We all say good morning back right as Estell races to ask a question.
¨Hey papa how do you think about what the life peers said yesterday Ive meen meaning to ask you.¨
The life peers are one of the three peers in the house of lords. There's also hereditary and Spiritual peers. Simon is a hereditary peer, his family line streches all the way back into the 1650s. Also, remember how I said Estell would love to do interior design. She also wants her dads spot in the house of lords even though Liam is older than her by a few minutes. But then again I dont think Liam would want it. We all sit down and start eating and Simon says
¨So, are you ready for your first day of school."
¨I mean.... Ready as I'll ever be."
I know how to be a new student. I feel like ive been to over 20 schools my whole life and never actually finished a full year. But this time..... This time? Oh I got no clue. To be honest, I'm lost as hell. Not only a new school cause I can deal with that but a different country and basically a different language. I only know that it's going to get harder from here.

We finish up eating and we start to head out the door.
¨You know we can wear whatever shoes we want right" 
¨Oh shit really Liam? Ok hold up for a minuite I got the perfect kicks.¨
I walk up the stairs to change my shoes real fast. I run upstairs to find a shoe box I brought with me. As I'm scrambling to find the shoes I find them under my desk. I pick up the box and scramble to put on the shoes as I'm running back down stairs.
"Oh those look great"
Estell says.
I say. The schoes I have on are high-top nike air dunks that the green part of the shoes match the jacket perfectly. I painted the white parts black and put the vector graffiti crown on them that match the green.
"Yeah I redid these a few months ago when I found out the color of the school."
we laugh as we walk out the door.

We get into the car and my stomach starts to fill with butterflies. Ive never had this problem with schools before. I dont know why this is happening to me. I swear something at this school better be the best thing ever because if this is just like any basic ass school i'm gonna lose my shit.
"So once we get there remeber that i'll come in with you to the front office to get everythig situated. Sound good KC?"
"Sounds great Jenny"
What i'm saying isnt what i mean like usual. I just dont know about this. I feel like i wanna run to the airport and take a flight back home. Right now mom lives in nashvill so it shouldnt be far. But then I start to realize what my mother would say.
"Now Kingston Brian Carter What the hell is wrong with you."
She would say as she slapped me across the head senseless. And after she would fly my ass right back here. So there was really no point.

I start to look out the window so I can memorize the rodes. As I'm doing that we pass a street that looks familiar but I got no clue cause my mind wants to turn off when I need it to work for once.
"Hey Estell, How long is this ride to the school?"
"Just about 15 minutes dont worry."
I thank her and look back out at the window. I now start to imagine all the things that could be at that school. Future friends, people im gonna absolutely hate, love maybe. Acually now love. I dont have time for men. Mostly cause of the fact that my whole life ive moved place to place and I really hate long distance relashinships. It just doesnt make sense to me. Like how to some people just start dating people online. Like do these people ever meet in real life. No. I guess as a person whos never done that I cant judge. So I should just be open minded about it. Actually... I should really be open minded about guys here. I'll be here for a full school year. I also have a scholarship that if everything goes smoothly, then I get to come back for my last year. So Ill be open to it. Not search for it because I dont have that time. Just.... Stay open minded.

I put on my headphones and turn on Roxxane Shante. Now she... ohhh bitch she is the queen of rap. Mainly because she put female rap on that map. And by map I mean she started the whole damn thing. A true queen. She even battle rapped some of the most popular men in rap at that time and almost won. The problem is that one of the judges bitch asses said they didnt want to give it to a woman at the time cause rap was still new. That's also when the first term of female rap ever happened. I still think she was robbed. Sure... The judge apologized and told her that she was the winner. But she made one song and 83 songs were made all solely to diss her. And you know what she did? Battle rapped their asses at their own shows and she won. A true badass. I'm sorry but I have never heard Nikki ever doing that.

Now that I'm talking about music history I start to realize that street. It's the street on the album cover from the beatles. Damn.... Now I start to fully realize that I aint in the United States anymore. My stomach turners. All I can do right now is just look out the window of the car and listen to the music since the song shuffles to queen latiahs I can't understand a few minutes ago.

Forgive me Father for I have sinned

I just destroyed another phony ass rapper again

She wasn't causin' it

She must be stupid as a fiend

They should have told the child 'You don't step to the Queen!'

Perplexed and I'm vexed 'cause everywhere I go

People be flexin' expectin' me to wanna flow

I don't play that, the only way that

I would be playing is if I pay back

And run the playback, so whatcha sayin'?

You don't wanna be a sista' in the name of rap

And yet you wanna talk shit and your style is wack

I would have squashed it before and made the whole

Issue dead but now im fed, so its of with your head


As the song starts to hit the chorus I turn it off and put my headphones away. We made it to the School. We stepped out of the car and I kept forgetting that the name of the school is ironically like mine. Kindsway secondary school. The school looks very moddern. Light brown wood, beautiful green plants everywhere. I feel like with the right lighting this whole school would look insane. As I am looking, Jenny steps to my side.
"So... are you ready?"
She says with a smile on her face. I look at her and say.
"Ya know... I am."
I have one in a lifetime exsepriance here. I'm not about to mess this shit up cause of some dumbass butterflies in my stomach. I push those feelings deep down as I look at the school and we start to walk inside.

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