Chapter seventeen: A text

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I turn over to see who it is. It's probably August or Pipe-.
I say as I chuck my phone across the room.
"Oh shit... goddamit."
I go to rush over to my phone and look at it

*_the.0_ sent you a friend Request*

*Hey this is KC right?*

My instant reaction is to throw my phone again but I dont want to do that.  Also, _the.0_ really? That's yours @ name. Out of all the handles you could have gone with.
"Well found him"
I open my phone and look at his page but not to text first. He doesn't have his name or anything on it.  And so naturally I go and look at his followers.  And... there it is. His friend's spam account.  And it's private so obviously, I couldn't find it.

*hey yeah this is KC. You alright*

* yeah I've been good. I've just been chilling all day nothing too much. U*

Just then the words to the song that's playing kick in

Every time that you lie
You leave a mark
In the same spot right here
On my heart, on my heart, on my heart

Another Clay song called a million pieces.  Which ironically matches what I feel about Right now in my life.

*I've been good too.  Just going over stuff about history and wondering about how it would be to live in the states.*

*Oh really? Well, what are you wondering about cause I've lived everywhere imaginable in the states*

*Well are the people really that shitty on the east coast?*

*Yeah absouloty... but there helpful.  Think of it this way the west coast is nice but won't help.  East coast is rude but will.*

Can't describe the feeling
Constant night, I'm breathing blue
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
15 years I've waited
For my heart to break in two, two, two, two

(20 minutes of talking)

*Wait wait wait... so the statue of liberty is in the waters of New Jersey... but on New Yorks island?*

*Yup but it's technically federal land which is not gonna get into because we'll be here all night*

*I mean... I have time*

Its been about 25 minutes of us talking and for some reason, I have this song playing over and over and over again. Like its right here in from. But for some reason distant like I dont know who the siger even is.

A million pieces
From a million dreams
In a million vases
Scattered flowers
Feed on me

I guess this is how I feel when I talk to him? I dont know stuff like this is confusing and gross and I just dont deal with it. It's not me and not my style. But then again... there's the guy.  Finally talking to me shockingly after a month of living here.  What a life I'm living I guess. Actually... I dont guess I just know.

*So you said you moved a lot in the united states.*

*Yup moving here was my 19th move*

*Damn really? I have only lived here and in Edinburgh my entire life.*

*Oh Scotland that's cool. Ironically that's where my dad's side is from*

*Really.  Where in Scotland?*

*Glasgow.  Shortly after world war I, my great grandparents moved from glasgow to Easton, maryland*

*Oh so your mixed?*

*yup.  And I dont mean to sound rude but... You are too right?*

*yeah same here.  I just so happen to be pretty light skin because my mom is white.  Like Irish which she is.  And my dad is from brazil but he's actually mixed with german and West African.  Which is the reason why I have blond hair.*

*Oh that's so cool. Yeah, my mom's heritage is well... the history is America and well we dont really know the cause of slavery*

*that's interesting... not in a bad sense. I mean slavery was bad obviously but... you know what I mean right?*

*Yes I know what you mean you're good*

After that I dont get a text for about ten minutes.
"Umm.. come on just say something."
I put my phone on my night stand and not worry about it as the last part of the song plays for the 30th time or something.

Let it go
I cannot let it go
Just wanna let it go
Let it go
I cannot let it go
Just need to let it go

I get up and turn off the record player. Put the vinyl back in the cover and walk back to my bed.


"Oh shit"
I look over to look at my phone again.  And... it's him again.  Theo.

*Hey sorry about that.  Anyway... yeah i'm pretty light skin cause of it. I would always just be called the light boy back in primary school.  My sister Jada got it worse cause she's pretty much lighter than me and unlike me she has blue eyes as well blond hair so there's that*

*Oh wow I'm so sorry to hear that. I get it though. But not as much cause I'm pretty darker than other mixed kids yet lighter than some black people.  So when I was ever in the... well "Deep south" they would call me an off-brand black kid. Never heard that one before and yet I was called it by white kids and black kids so I thought it was normal. Until I realized it wasn't.*

*Damn. Well, there that.*

*ha yeah*

Just then I get a knock on my door.
"KC I need help with something."
"Ok ill be there in a second."

*Well I have to go help Estell with something but it was nice talking with you. ill see you later sometime?*

*Ok and yup I'll see you Monday. Bye KC*
*Bye Theo*

And I put my phone down to go and help Estell. To be honest,, im actually surprised he even found my instagram. I mean it is pretty simple @. Its was meant to be an art account but it became my main one after I was spending more time on it then my old one. But oh well. At least I actually got to talk to him. And I also have to be even more honest. I dont really like him like that anymore. Not because of what we just said to eachother. It was before that.

I kinda like him more as a friend now I guess. And realized that as I was looking for him on insta. Definitely not a bad thing but for right now in this moment. Thats all I need in my life. Just friends. And nothing serious becaus if it was. I would have to make it a long distance cause of my complex life. Thats well life in general. But hey you've gotten this far. Mine seems a little bit crazier...

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