Chapter eight: 1st period

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I walk in and my teacher is taking notes at her desk while the other kids are doing work. She looks up and me and Ms.Johnson and starts to walk over.  ¨Hello KC I'm so glad you will be joining us this school year here at Kingsway. My name is-.¨
She cuts herself off because one of the kids is talking.
¨Piper…. Please. Don't.¨
She says in a firm voice.
¨Im sorry for that ill if you may just... Have a seat for one moment and ill come back to you.¨
The way she said that was really a weird version of a nervous laugh and that everything was calm even though it wasn't.
¨Sure thing.¨
I say as I walk over to the one open seat in class. 

I sit down as my teacher starts to talk to Ms.Johnson. I can't really make out what they're saying but I think they're talking about me. As I'm trying to figure out what is happening I hear a voice.
¨so what brings you across the pond?¨
I don't think I've ever heard of the phrase more than here and that's shockingly surprising. I look over and it's the girl my teacher said to don't or something like that I don't know.
¨Um nothing much just living life like nobody I know.¨
She just sits and looks at me. I get pretty creeped out but I think that's just because of her appearance. She has thick black eyeliner over and under her lashes with green eyeshadow. Dyed blond shaved head. And a nose ring. Honestly, it's one of the best-looking people in this school that I've seen to give the big fuck you. 

¨Reeves… Piper reeves.¨
She says in an underground-toned voice.
¨KC. But Kingston if you wanna be formal.¨
She gives off a silent laugh.
¨Ay let me sit next to my new mate would ya?¨
Piper says as they trade seats. As weird as that was I think I just found my new best friend In the span of 55 seconds. Honestly a new record. Oh and by the way, if you've never moved before then listen up. Moving sucks already we already know that but making friends is harder in a new place.

Number one rule.
Make a friend before lunch. It doesn't have to be the best friend in the world. Even though some will get lucky. But just someone that you can sit with and talk to. You don't wanna be that weird new kid that no one will wanna talk to. It doesn't have to be the closest friend you got down the road but hey just know that you'll be friends with them the entire time you go to that school. And never talk shit about them because they're important to you. Even if you think they're not. THEY ARE. 

The teacher stops talking to Ms.Johnson and she tunes back into the class.
¨Ok class time to take out the book assignment we've been working on.¨ 
Piper turners to me with a sorta evil look but it's interesting.
¨So where are you from KC?¨ She says in a slightly violent voice. ¨The states.¨ No I mean like what city or state like that? What region?¨ ¨ I've been and lived everywhere in the grand old land of freedom. So the States is me. All of them.¨ I say back in a billionaire's voice as well. She chuckles at me and smiles. Already I know we're gonna be great friends and fuck this school up with our charm. 

The teacher calls out.
¨Piper, will you please listen?¨
"Of course darling.¨
She is giving the best impression of the remake that Emma Stone did in Cruella. AND I'M LIVING FOR IT. The teacher goes back to her lesson as Piper turners to me again and says.
¨So how old were you when you came out?¨
¨Wait hold up how did you know I was g-¨
She cuts me off.
¨As the bisexual icon, I can always sense when a member is in my midst darling? Come on get with the program.¨
We both laugh.
¨Well ok, I came out when I was ten.¨ ¨

I knew I was gay at a pretty young age and on the plus side, Jemma's Mom is lesbian so I've always known about it. My mom said to me when I was ten to just hurry up with it and then about three months later I came out. Obviously, I was already doing that antics that would give it off at a young age. My mom said that when I was five I would try to walk like the models in the vogue fashion shows. Same as modeling the woman in the catalogs as well. I don't blame her for thinking I was at a young age. I thank her for not trying to force it on me or try to block it. She told me one time that sexuality is like the wind. It flows in different ways and it can't be forced to go a certain way because if so the wind dies. But when free it discovers its true self and becomes a strong current. That's why I love my mom for that. 

¨Yup ten. I always knew everyone around me. Don't get me wrong I thought I wasn't at times here and there. But I am and honestly, I'm glad.¨
we both start laughing but not too loud because we didn't want our teacher to hear. As we finish the bell rings and we both get up as I check my next class.
¨So what you got next?¨
¨Umm… Literacy?¨
I say with a bit of nervousness.
“Oh funny I have that one as well.” 
“Nice nice now I don't have to scramble to find my class.”
“Yeah, so what you got after break time?” 

Now to be honest I totally forgot that they had so many damn breaks here. Like at all my other old schools we had 30 minutes for lunch and that's it. Thats just sad.
“I have French,”
My mind races for a second as I didn't realize that I'm taking a french class. I guess that's what you get when you fail ASL.
“Oh good, you have my friend August. He's my duo. But I think he may be my one of two now.¨
Piper says in a Cruella type of voice again.
¨It appears so.¨
we head out the door and walk to our next class.

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