Chapter nine: 3rd period

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After second period and break time. Still weird, that's a thing. She takes me to my third period class. As we are about to walk in a boy comes up to us.
¨So is this the new boy you were talking about piper?¨
¨Yeah. August this KC. KC August.¨
¨What's up.¨ I say in an undertone brooklyn accent.
¨Oh right your American.¨
Even though they give off two totally different vibes and aesthetics. August and Piper sound exactly the same and I don't know if it's creepy or funny.
¨Of course gotta have some foriegn love up in this school.¨
¨Ok well this is where I say goodbye KC and August have fun with him. Just don't kill him."
Piper starts walking down the hall.
¨of course of couse im not that crazy.¨
I smirk at him as we both walk into the classroom. 

We sit down and the teacher turners to us and says.
¨So August your gonna show him the ropes today ya.¨
¨Yeah if you want me to Mr.J.¨
¨August I told you not to call me that.¨
¨Sorry sorry.¨
he turns at me to laugh. The class begins and immediately August starts asking me questions.
¨So Mr.American boy how's life going with you.¨
¨It's going well. I mean aint nobody tryna start shit so that's a plus from my other schools.¨
¨Nice nice. So how out are you like super out or just friends and small group or.¨
¨How did you know so fast.¨
I say in surprise. I'm just shocked they can get it so fast like damn I Wasn't expecting all of this. August says.
¨Baby, Im gay of couse I know this. I'm shocked you didn't say anything faster.¨
I guess due to the fact that a lot of my friends are straight it makes my quote¨Gaydar¨a lot weaker than it should be. 

About ten minutes into class the teacher is talking about some basic greeting in french.
¨Salut. Bon matin. Bonsoir.¨
Just then a some guy walks in. The teacher stops talking as the guy walks to him with a pass. I look at him kind of up and down like who the fuck is this bitch but really am trying not to. August turned to me and said.
¨Quit your love gazing the boy is straight.¨
¨Yeah I can see that simply by the way he walked in on her late and how he spoke.¨
¨ Someone finally unlocked her gaydar.¨
we both laugh.
¨So. Who is that?¨
¨His name is Theo now look at this.¨
August shows me his phone and it's a ballroom in london.
¨Oh my God y'all have ballroom here.¨
¨Well of course darling were not delusional.¨
“Well when is the next one and where is it at? I always went to them whenever I could find them. Harlem definitely has the best ballrooms by far”
“Well what's your insta and i'll give you the details later.”
August says in a secret yet excited voice. 

I give him my instagram handle and he immediately starts looking through it.
“Holy shit you've really lived in all of these places?”
“Yeah! I mean sure it can be rough sometimes but I know no one truly grew up living like I do so I think of it as a special gift.”
“Damn ok.”
August starts naming off some of the cities.
“Brooklyn, Miami, Huston, Minni and Indianapolis.”
“You mean Minneapolis and Indianapolis right?”
“Yeah isn't that what I said right?”
“Not quite you have to say both of them as there full name.”
“Ohhhhhhh ok.”
Well I guess that's one point for America.  

About 30 minutes into the class we start saying some bigger greetings in french.
“Comment vas-tu aujourd'hui?"
How are you today?
"Bonsoir comment s'est passée ta journée?"
Good evening, how has your day been?
To be fully honest, I thought I was gonna be completely clueless in this class but I didn't realize that the way they explain stuff here is more understanding than in American schools. I mean, you do have to get past the accent of course. 

August turns to me and asks me a question.
“Do you have rep in the underground ballroom scene?”
“Sotra yeah why you ask?”
“I don't know if you just look so familiar but I've never heard anyone named KC or Kingston anywhere?”
“Well do you have an underground name?” 
“Well, that's why,”
I laugh.
“Ok well, what's your underground name then?”
“You'll find out soon enough, don't worry,”
I say as the bell rings. 

We start packing up and August says.
“So who are you staying with while you're here?”
“I'm staying with the Whitlocks. You know Estell and Liam?”
“Oh yeah I know the twins. Their dad the lord correct? It's very nice there. Well Estell more than Liam."
“Yeah Liam is hard to get to but when you talk to him long enough he’ll come around don't worry.”
“Yeah I guess you're right but I've never bothered to care about a lot of straight men because they don't give me a time of day ya know?”
“Yeah, I feel ya.”
Just then someone bumps into me.
“Oh…. I'm sorry.”
It's that guy from before. What was his name- oh Theo. he just stares at me blank for a second and I forget my words. August bumps me to let me know that I'm not responding.
“Oh no you're good don't worry it's pretty crowded in here.”
I say as I laugh. Even though I thought I was bad at staring he stares back at me.
“Well uhh…. I should go bye now.”
“Yeah no worries bye.”

I saw with coming confusion in my voice. I look back at August and he blankly stares at me with a smirk on his face.
“You know he's straight right,”
“Yeah I know I'm not a dumbass.”
“Ok then just don't want you to hopelessly fall in love with these straight brits.”
August laughs.
“Yeah whatever and plus I don't have time for a relationship”
I saw as we walked out of the door. August tunes to me as he says
“really not at all?”
“Yeah not really I guess.”
He turners back to the hall and says
“Yeah you're open for one at least. Let me guess, you don't wanna fall in love with someone but if it happened then it happens?”
“Exactly and honestly what's wrong with that. Sure I'm not gonna go searching for love but if it happens I'm not gonna say no to it.”
“You're just like every American I know.”
“Well you're just like every Aussie I know.”
August stops and looks at me.
“How did you-”
I cut him off, which yes I know I said I wasn't going to but I needed this.
“Say no.”
“Shut up.”
We both laugh. 

Just then Piper walks by.
“He's with me, Auggie.”
I say with a chuckle. We all start laughing.
“Yeah Auggie that's what the inner circle calls me baby.”
“Oh cool cool.”
“That means you are a dumbass,”
We laugh.
“Right right. So how did that name happe-''
''Auggie the Auzzie. It rhymes love.”
“Right of course.”

“Ok so this place shockingly has great food so we better get in line”
“Also don't worry all of it is vegan Which is good for August”
“Oh I'm not vegan.”
“Yeah we know.”
Piper and August both say in a weird twin power style of voice.
“Damn how did yall know.”
“your American so” “
"Yeah yeah ok Piper. well i'll have you know I enjoy healthy food.”
Both of them blankly stare at me.
“Ok not all the time obviously not all the time.”
“Yeah well better change that while your heart.”
“Fine but hey one day i'll make some soul food and change yalls mind ya know soul food love.”
We all laugh as we both walk into the line.

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