Chapter twenty five: Estell and Phenix

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A while after seeing Theo, as I'm walking up the stairs to first period, I overhear Estell and Phenix talking. No... not talking. Arguing.

"Phenix... baby, I'm gonna ask you one more time ok? Why do I smell someone's perfume on you that aint mine?"

"Baby I have nothing on why are you so anxious."

I go and hide behind one of the walls to overhear.
You know, Ive been thinking of trying to find the girl Phenix was with that night in the ballroom. However I can't just run up on Estell and be like "HE'S CHEATING WITH THIS HOE."When in reality it could probably be a mutual friend. UGHHH I hate this.
I shake any thought out of my head and try to listen more.

"Just tell me who you were with, and we can move on. OK?"

"I wasnt with anyone... I promise."

Estell looks down at the floor and lets out a sigh.
I look over at Phenix and he looks tense. Like he is hiding something. I dont know I can't describe it but something is definitely up. Hopefully Estell keeps that pressure on him. Cause if it is true... hell will be raining down on this whole ass island.

"Fine you know what fine... I believe you. Because I love you and trust you ok. However, If I find something is up I swear to god Pheix."

"Baby, there is nothing going on that you are going to find. I love you so much."

Wise words from my mother Athena.
"You can love someone with all your heart and still be dumb enough to hurt them. If Beyonce has gotten cheated on by her wack ass husband then aint no woman safe." Now I'm really hoping nothing is wrong. However, Estell is my girl and ima make sure she dont get hurt.
I look one more time and I see Phenix has his arms around her. He lets go of her as he goes and walks into his classroom. I walk over.

"Hey boo whatchu doin?"

"Something is up with Phenix I dont know what but I am not trying to go mad."

"OK ok, so are you gonna do anything about it?"

"No, I'm just gonna keep my distance and be aware. Things like this I need to be right or else I am gonna be the one looking like a fool."

"I get that Estell, you got everyone here if you need it."

"Thanks K you are a real one."

I stop for a moment in my tracks and look at her while I Laugh. "K? That's a first in a long time" I say to her as I give her a hug.

"Hey I forgot I called you that but everyone here says Kc so I guess I forgot." Estell laughs as she smiles at me.

"I'll see you later ok."

"Ok K."

She squeezes my torso one more time before she walks off. Estell has thick skin but sometimes those walls come crashing down. BADLY. So I'm nervous for her. Ive known that Estell and Phenixs relationship has been rocky but I wasnt expecting it to be like this though. And if he is cheating... who is it with?

I walk into my first class and I see Piper there already doing her damn work.

"Hey Kc."

"Now Piper you know damn well class hasnt even started, what are you doing halfway done with the worksheet today?"

"Well one, I'm good at what I do. Two it aint even that hard so calm down. And three, I got nothing else to do. Also add on that I had to be in here before school started."

"Oh." I say to her as I sit down.  "Hey umm, I got a favor to ask. Do you mind?"

"Yeah what's going on."

"Well... I know you have some classes with Phenix. I was wondering if you can just keep an eye on him. You know if he's with umm.."

"Other women? We can hear all the conversations in hallways. There not that quiet you know. And yes. I'll look out for him and let you know."

"Thank you so much. Just text me if you get anything."

"I will I will Kc dont worry about me. you know im-"

"Good at what you do I Know."

"Want me to let August know?"

"Yeah that would be good. I think he has a class with him as well."

"Oh I love being a little watchdog. Especially on phenix. You know he isnt a good person right Kc?"

"Yeah... I know piper. Trust me I know."

For context. Phenix is weird. It is told around the school that he has done some weird shit and has tried to get women to do things with him but nothing happens because he aint cute in the first place.
I'm getting carried away. my apologies. But my point still stands. On top of all that he's just a complete asshole who hops from women to women thinking he's some playboy. Estell is the first real relationship he's truly had so I guess I can understand but still. The tendency to hop around must still be there.
Maybe, again we dont know. Hopefully that won't last long.

We both laugh as some more kids come into the class when it's about to start. "Answers Kc?" "You know I shouldnt- screw it what you got engish is hard here."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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