Chapter twenty one: Ms.Diamond

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Yup... ms.dimond. My underground name. Now why is it ms.dimond you might ask? Well the house my family created (Jemmas mom Charlotte) is called the House Of Jules. My birthday is in April and well if you know anything about birth months you know each month has a stone or well jule. April is diamond. Which is why I chose it to be my name.
Why do I have Ms in front? Well mr.dimond didn't really sound good and on top of that usually it's just diamond as a first name. But the Mc of the night loves to add something special and put Ms. in front for respect. This is my arena and that's how that's gonna be. Hahaha.


Yall imma be completely honest, I love me twistin and twirlin like I am now. But I know that my knees are gonna kill me in about two hours. Now you might be asking yourself right now. Kc how do you have an underground fanbase? And how did it somehow go all the way to the UK? Well to be honest... I have no idea. I guess I'm just that good. Haha...

Alright alright ok in full honesty. I really don't know but what I do know is that rep comes and goes in the ballroom. Like it goes fast. You can have a reveal in the ballroom floor and go viral but the next hour, someone a thousand miles away can take it all away with a slaying there category. Hopefully My mama calls me because this will go viral. I mean a legendary house coming. ACROSS. THE. POND. I mean that's gold. Or I guess Diamond...

It's been a minute since I've done this I gotta be honest. And to be more honest I wish I would have waited because I'm tired. It's been a few minutes since I've gotten off of the floor, I've found some people and talked; ya know the usual party stuff. Oh I forgot to mention. When I was on the floor I kept hearing the voice of the mc.
I came to We later (Because I was blinded by lights) that It was Mr.Porter. Like OK TEACH. I also found one of Theo's friends here as well. Hazel. I talked with them for a while. And they seem chill. It's cool to see some people I know here. Well sorta know. Aslo, let's keep in mind it's not easy finding people here.

Like I said earlier it's a masquerade so everyone's secrets lie behind the mask. I mean not mine though. Mine were exposed the moment light hits me but I mean that's not really a bad problem. Again rep, houses, house rivalries. That stuff ya know?

"Alright Alright nowww. The next and final category announcement of the night is in 10 minutes. Yall children better get ready"
I am so grateful to hear that because it's one in the morning and I wanna go home.
"Hey Kc its hazel again."
Hazel says to me as they come up to the stairs to sit where I am. By the way this place is a two story building and has a hella nice staircase.

"so, how's your night been?" Hazel says to me.

"To be honest, I'm happy to be out and get my house even more but I am tired."
When I tell you I am tired, I'm really telling you that I am tired. it's bad but this music is so loud that falling asleep is a no go.

"I feel that boo. You just gotta go for like 30 minutes and you're set."

"Thanks hazel"

"Of course Kc. OH RIGHT. I wanted to tell you. You got someone lookin at you."

"Baby everyone is in a mask covering their entire face. How do you know"
I scour the room to see anyone but I can't find a single person that has a mask looking at me the way hazel says.
"I don't but what I do know is that he looks mighty fine. I mean like I have no clue who he is but let's hope he looks good."

"That's true... alright. Who's the man?"

"He's over there. See him in the white t-shirt and the black trousers that kind of bell bottom out by his ankles?"

I look over to the other side of the same level that I'm on and I see him. He doesn't look half bad. Well from what I can see. Looks dont mean anything to me though so that doesn't really help me. Also this is a bar with people over 18 and I'm 16. I think you know where I'm going with that but from what I see the person looks familiar in a way.

"Oh ok ok I see him. The one with the white mask?"

"Yeah. You should try to go up to him."

They nudge me really trying to get me to go over there. When I look again at the mystery man I really do feel like I've seen this person before but I can't put my finger on it.


"Yes you should."

They laugh and take my drink from me. Don't worry there's no alcohol but damn dont be taking my stuff.

"I mean from what I see he does look mighty fine. Alright why not I got nothing else to do."

"Yess ok go ahead and snatch the man."

"Alright alright."

I try to get my drink back but they move their hand back.

"No this mine now boo, sorry"

I laugh and I let it go as I start to head over there. While I'm walking on over I stop to see people that are talking to me and say how cool it is for me to be here. I feel rude because I'm half assing their conversations while looking at the guy Hazel was talking about. Oh well, I'll see them another day.

After I am done talking to those people (And lost my sight of that guy.) I look down at the lower level and see him near the floor. Is he gonna walk this last category? I mean they haven't announced it yet. I went down the stairs and looked to my right to see him. When I start to get closer to him I realize that he is getting familiar with each step I take. Until I realize it.


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