Chapter twenty four: New Beginnings

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  I wake up and there's a knock at the door. "You know kc, there's a thing called school we have to get to."
"Liam... Shut up"
Liam laughs as he walks away. "Hurry up lets go"

I sit up and put in my headphones immediately. Michael Jackson has been in my mind since last light. One song spasificly. Butterflies.

All you gotta do is walk away and pass me by
Don't acknowledge my smile when I try to say hello to you, yeah
And all you gotta do is not answer my calls when
I'm trying to get through
To keep me wondering why, when all I can do is sigh
I just want to touch you
I just want to touch and kiss
And I wish that I could be with you tonight
You give me butterflies inside, inside and I

I dont think I have felt this way before. Calm...
Yesterday was really something. Not only did I get some reputation and stunning the ball with my presence. I also snagged a fine man. OH... phenix. Ima not overthink about that however, ima keep an eye on that hoe.

Just then there's a bang on the door. It's Estell...
"Kc... If you dont hurry your ass up ima-'' Just then I opened the door fully dressed ready for school as per usual.
"You know Estell.. Yelling isnt the answer." We both start to laugh as we walk down the wonderful staircase and see Simon there.

"Oh there you two are. Come on, let's go."
I look down at my phone to see the time.
"Dads meeting with the headmistriss"
"Oh. ok then."

We head out the door in apparently a rushing fashion and hop in the car while we nascar our way out of the drive. Oh here's a weird thing brits say. Drive. That's the driveway. It confused me for about three weeks when I was first here, but because I'm so used to it by now Ive Just replaced it in my own vocab.

As we were going to Kingsway I had time to reflect on my lifes chapter right now. It's going well. However, when this stuff happens I deal with the reality of life and moving. Life goes well. I move and repeat. However there isnt any moving. Atleast not for a long time. This time. It feels right. Hopefully nothing happens and I could possibly come back next year. And do it all over again.

We pull up to the school and everyone gets out. Liam and Estell go their own way because they are an unstoppable duo. And as I walk in I see him. Theo... and company.
"Hey Kc!"
"Oh hey piper. You alright? Wow..."
"Did you just-"
"Shut up."

We both start to laugh as Theo chimes in. "Did I miss something?"
"Oh Kc has been here for what a month and a half now? His speech is being slurred into British slang instead of his American slang."

"Oh... oh that's funny... Do you say bloody or cheeky yet?"

"Oh shut up Theo." we all start to laugh.
"Wheres August? Aslo why are yall here so early?"
"Oh I usually come to play rugby with my mates."
"And I have to talk to a teacher... I talked back in her

class cause she wanted to prove me wrong however I proved her wrong."
"As per usual"
I laugh as I look at Theo. I can see him smiling at me.
"Well, I'll leave you two to it. Peace."

"Bye Piper see you on the 1st."
"So... about last ni-."
"I want you... Kc Ive been thinking about you all last night. If you havent noticed I barely got any sleep. And the reason I got here so early is to see you. I dont kow how we can do this but I want to do this. So... what do you say?"

I look at him with a smile from ear to ear.

"Let's not jump the gun here. Let's take it slow. Ok?"

"Ok I'm down. However, I dont think I can be out yet. Only you and my close close friends like Hazel and Jacob know I'm pan. I understand if you dont want to but-"
"Hey.. everything is fine. We can take it as slow as we need to."

Just then Hazle and Jacob both walk up to us.

"What are you boys doing..?"
"Oh hi hazel. You- How are you today?"
"I'm fantastic."
"Hey Theo, we should get going, the boys are waiting."

Jacob looks at me in the eyes and looks down as he walks away with Hazel and Theo.
"Lunch all of us together today?"
"I'll make sure of it Hazel."

I wave goodbye as they walk away and head upstairs. To be fair I expected drama, But drama that isnt actually a bad situation. Well, hopefully this goes all well. I mean I still have a year left. Here's to a new beginning...

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