Chapter twenty two: Behind the mask

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Well we have ourselves a stoy turn. I go over to him, he looks at me. I turn my attention to the dance floor.

"Hey diamond, right? Nice to meet you, Im prince."
"Like the singer?"
"Like a house name, well I have no house but you know what I mean."

I look through the mask. Behind the mask I guess and he's an interesting guy. Does all of this. Looks at me through the halls, sees me in class, follows me on instagram. I guess I should confront him. He isnt that bad looking anyway.

"So where's your friend Theo? You can't be the only one here jacob"
"How did you-"
"Jacob, it's a masquerade. People just wear something over their eyes, that's all."

We both start to laugh

"I don't like men by the way, aslo none of my friends are here. I just like coming here by myself. It's fun like an escape ya know."
"I know dont worry about it, We love an ally."

Jacob starts to laugh as he says. "Thanks, It's nice to have someone from school know my night life."

"I guess so."

We both start to laugh again as Jacob starts to walk away.

"I'll catch you later Dimond."
"See yeah"

Jacob walks up the stairs to the second level and then it hits me. Jacobs is really only in a trio with Hazel and Theo. Hazel doesnt know Jacob is here. Just then I look to the second level and see hazel isnt in the place where I thought they were. I look over to the entrance and sure enough there they are. Leaving with some guy.
I look back at the dance floor and just across the room I see him. The blond dreads with even blonder tips. They both didnt know each other were here. Also have really bad masks like I made this one up and It covers my face ten times better then these boys. I make my move across the floor.
As I'm walking I see Jacob also leaving. I guess they really didnt know each of them were here. Is that an odd thing or am I just American? Your best friends, like the schools It trio and you dont tell each other about a night life? I thought this place was like the land of parties. Weird, I've been here for almost three months and still, I find myself like how I first arrived.

"Can I sit here?"
"Uhh... Yeah! why not."
"My name's Dimond. You?"
"Theo, nice to meet you."
"You too. How long have you been coming here?"
"A few months ago, I overheard some classmates talk about this place and thought I should give it a shot."
"Oh that's nice"
"Yeah it's kind of cool. I mean it sucks when you feel like you have to live behined a mask. You know? Being closested."
"Can I be honest with you Theo?"

He smiles at me. I look down and look back at him and I just want to tell him everything but I can't because that feels way too much way too fast. So I take it slow.

"I knew I felt a different way around guys when I was six. Later I realized that it was because I am a little different. Life will take its twist and turns but it will always figure itself out."
"Thanks diamond that means a lot."

By the way Im loudy shouting this to him because it's loud as hell in here.

"So Dimond are you gay or bi?"
"Well I thought I was bi, I guenuly did but then I had a realizaton that when I'm with a guy It felt more genuine, more sweater, real. So that's when I dropped the B and went all in on the G."
"Oh that's great. I thought I was gay but then I realized I still like girls. But then It really hit me. I guess that I see bueaty in evryone. No matter who they are. And I can or will eventually be able to love whoever I want. So I guess I dropped the purple and added yellow."
"I love that for you Theo."
"Thanks Dimond. I guess it's fun being a kitchen set."

We both start to laugh

"Hey that was good."
"Thank you Thank you I actually-"

Theo stops talking

"Before you came here you lived in Nashvill right?"
"Are you?"

Even though he has a mask over his eyes I can see that he said that with hope. So I give it to him. His hope. I stop and take off my mask.


"Hi Theo?"

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