Chapter eighteen: Lunch

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Et juste comme ça. Le bonheur trouve son chemin vers vous. 

*Bell rings*

"Hey Kc do you think that your lover boy might ask you for something today."
"I don't know Piper... I mean I wouldn't be mad but... why are you asking me this,"
Just then Theo shouts my name in the hallway.
"Hey Kc"
Theo comes running up to me.
"You wanna come outside with me. Some of my mates are trying to play football but they are having trouble with the rules. Care to help?"
As I'm looking at him I look back at Piper.
"Oh go show these men how to play."
Piper and I laugh as I walk away with Theo.

Today is Tuesday and I just got out of French class for lunch. But instead of eating I now got to teach some brits football. Oh by the way... the french I said in the beginning translates to.

*And just like that. Happiness finds its way to you.*

I know it's hella corny but I guess it's true. And yes it was an assignment we had to do. 
"So what type of football were you talkin' bout?"
"Oh right... American obviously."
"Ok... and what rules do they need refreshing?"
"Don't worry about that right now... you alright?" 
Wait... ok pause. He's really out here asking how I am. Not am I actually alright. Keep that noted.
"I'm good just doing my music and school nothing too bad... what about you"
"I'm good too but i've just been thinking about a lot in life you know?"

Thinking about what now. Look I enjoy some mystery in liking people but this guy is a lot. I've talked to him once actually so keep in mind this is the first time i've actually talked to him in person. Also I thought this was for football. Not much that I care about football. But because I actually wanna just hang out with him. But still. 
"Sorta yeah... what's on your mind?"
"Well... do you ever get that feeling that something your whole life is one way but then you feel some other type away and everything you know changes."
"More than you know actually. Don't worry about it though Theo. Everything will make sense soon."
"Let's hope... how was yo-"
Just then Theo gets cut off by someone that wraps his arms around him. 
"Oh hey jacob" 
"So you got our American friend with us to play... why? So he can upstage us?
"I mean I wouldn't call myself the best but probably."
All three of us laugh.

I've talked to Jacob a few times before but it wasn't anything serious though. I'm usually with Estell or Piper when he talks. However, when I'm with August, I always notice tension in some way between them. Like something interesting happened. They usually both just glare at each other whenever Jacob says hi in the halls. 

Jacob holds out a rugby ball for me to take.
"What's this for?"  
"Football of course."
Theo says as he starts laughing with Jacob.
"But that's not a football though."
"What do you mean? This is football. Isn't it."
"Oh God"

Now... if you really don't know what the difference between football and a rugby ball is. A football is smaller and more of a thin oval shape compared to a rugby ball which is larger and more rounder. They're both lemon shaped so I guess that's where the confusion is. But still footballs usually are brown and rugby balls here. Or what I've seen so far. Are all sorts of colors. I guess... It's a common mistake.

"Look, that's not football. It's too big and round so you have to hold it with two hands compared to a football."
"Dude, you told me They're the same thing."
"How am I supposed to know Theo... I don't watch American football, I just assumed."
"Look it's fine" I say as I'm laughing. 
"Go to Mr.Porters room. You know that ball he has on his desk."
"Yeah. What about it?" 
"Come on jacob... think of the obvious."

I start to laugh again. 
"Don't worry. It's an issued NCAA official ball. Go ask if we can use it please."
"Ok then..." as Jacob runs to go and ask for the football. 
"Sorry about that." Theo says as he laughs.
"Ya know. I'm genuinely shocked that you guys clown us when we get one thing wrong and you don't know the difference between a football and rugby ball."
"Hey sue me ok. I only watch the game, not actually play." 
"Oh.. I can tell."

We both laugh as we walk out the doors to the outside of the school. I can see maybe twelve guys are ready to play. And again if you know football eleven is usually used for a full team. But that would be like an eighth of the school if we even got enough guys. Anyway it looks like we're about to play seven on seven so this will be interesting...
"Hey everybody. I got Kc to show us how to really play."
And that's where shit hit the fan. 
"We already know how to play. Well two hands touch but still."

Someone says randomly. I'm trying to figure out who said it but I can't figure it out- OH... Phenix? Ironically... I've never seen him in person until now. 
"Oh hey Kc nice to finally meet you."
If you haven't gotten it already I don't like him.
"So kc what do we do now? I presume that we don't have enough players. Do we?"
"Well for an actual team no not even close but there is a seven on seven version and if Jacob can get here-"
"Here right, ok so... who here actually knows how to play?"

Out of the thirteen other people here only six raise their hand.
"Ok not bad umm... ok so do you guys know two hand touch?" 
Just then Phenix cuts in 
"Oh come on Kc two hand touch is for sissies."
As he says that he looks at me and laughs. Like I said... dont like him.
"Ok well let's split you six into two teams of three and just pick players from there."
As they are deciding the teams Theo looks at me and says. 
"Sorry for Phenix, he can be an asswhole sometimes." 
"Oh don't worry I know."
And as I chuckle under my breath I pat Theo's shoulder 
"Dont worry... I'ma kick his ass."

Theo starts laughing as the teams are about to get picked. Fortunately Theo and I are on the same team with the three guys who know how to play and jacob. Phenix (thankfully) got put on the other team. All of football just got explained by yours truly and we get ready for kick off. I'm in the backfield looking down at the other end zone. The ball gets kicked up in the air. And luckily it came to me. Now... like I said. I wanted to play two-handed but that didn't happen. And so.





And break away

After I break away from everyone there's one more. Phenix. He looks like he's been wanting to drill me since I became friends with Estell. As sprinting toward him. He gets low. I've seen this a lot of times when playing football so I know what to do. The best thing to do is to juke him out. Make him think you're going one way and at the last second go the other way. However, he's in a position that makes it easy to get me if I do that. So I juke back. And... 




And break away

I get to him and I start to go one way which he follows but not too much if I juke. And when I get to him to try and pass him. I juke back and he falls forward as he tries to grab me. So I grab his head and push him to the ground and when I tell you he fell face first. The way I laughed as I ran into the endzone had to be one of the greatest things ever.  My team comes to congratulate me and I look back at the phenix as his team is helping him up. He says.

"Maybe we should play two handed touch."

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