Chapter seven: The office

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We walk into the school and I start to look around. It's a beautiful school and the lighting here is perfect. There are also plants everywhere. I don't know if some of them are fake or not but I don't care they look good.
¨Looks good, doesn't it?¨
Liam says to me.
¨Im actually surprised. I didn't expect this."
They managed to match the school uniforms to the school. All of it just looks like a class project for design or something.

Liam and Estell head off to go where they need to go as Jenny and I go to find the front office. While walking down a hall, I see the front office as we head in. A woman comes up to us and says.
¨Nice to see you ms. Whitlock and you must be our American boy. Well, I am your headmistress Ms.Johnson. We are so happy for you to be here Kingston.¨
¨Acually I prefer KC if you don't mind.¨ 
¨Oh, of course, KC now if you will follow me. We have some things to work out. Jenny, you're free to go!¨
Ms.Johnson says with a happy attitude. She kind of sounds like the other mother in Coraline. Happy yet it's so happy that it's honestly scary and you want to ask her to blink twice if she's okay. But I think this is just her personality so I can at least give it a chance.

We walk into her office and she sits me down.
¨Ok I have your schedule for you and if you don't mind we put you in US history cause it looks like you still need that credit for your American requirements.¨
¨Im sorry what now?"
¨ Oh don't worry you'll be fine darling I've seen that you're already great in history.¨
¨Yeah but I took higher classes early in my freshman year. I thought that I didn't have to make US history. Right?¨
¨That may seem like the case KC but you still had to take US history.¨
¨Oh well at least ill know a lot in that class.¨

Even though I know everything will be fine. It won't because a lot of American history is just war. Yes, I do know but this is England and I don't know how they take to the American revolution. The only thing I'm hoping for right now is that I don't ever get called on in that class.

We go through the rest of my schedule and it looks promising.

8:55 - 9:05 Registrastion

9:05 - 9:55 English

9:55 - 10:45 Literacy  

10:45 - 11:55 Break Time

11:55 - 12:45 Frech

12:45 - 13:45 Lunch

13:45 - 14:35 History

14:35 - 15:25 Science

At first, I noticed that there is no passing period. Or there is and they just didn't put it down. Another thing I realized is that they have a break time and then a lunch break. I wasn't expecting this due to the fact in the states we only get like 30 minutes. Also, what the hell is registration? I know I was told that there was something we had to do in the morning, But I guess I didn't do any google searching for this. So I ask Ms.Johnson.

¨What does registration mean?¨
¨Oh right! This means that in the morning we have an assembly before school really starts.¨
¨Really? Everyday?¨
¨Well of course. It's for morning announcements and to give these kids an upbeat attitude for the day. You don't have these in the states do you now?¨
¨I mean we do... it's just that it's usually in your first class or if we need an assembly then it's at the end of the day.¨
¨Oh... well just like a lot of new things that are here. This is just another great one!¨
¨Of course.¨

To be honest. I don't really know how I feel at the moment. I mean... It's just confusing? That's not the right way I would put it but I guess it's just all new. I just need to put this feeling of not understanding and shove it down right now because this shit is tiring. My first class is English. Which shouldn't be hard. I'm pretty good at English already. Then again, this isn't America and the dialect is a thousand times different. So I guess it's time for me to sit in the back of the class, collect all the information as possible, and actually understand it all before I speak my mind in a class. I can't mess this up. I just can't.

Ms.Johnson and I get up and start walking to my first class. She took the time to tell me everything that we missed registration. Thankfully, she's okay with that and had one of the other staff members take care of it. There are two floors in this school which is good cause I get my steps in. yes I know I sound like an old person. but confusing cause the school population is already small enough. Two hundred kids. That's all. Two hundred.

After walking upstairs and around the corner we make it to my English class. After all the wait this is it. All I can think about is my mom saying. KC, Don't fuck this up now I ain't got the time. Even though she sounds like she's giving me a death threat. It's calming cause I know I have someone cheering me on even though there on the other side of the pond.
¨This is it.¨
Ms.Johnson says with a cheer. I look at her and then back at the door. And walk in.

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