Chapter ten: Mr.Porter

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After lunch, we go upstairs to our next classes. Right now I'm feeling good about this place. All the butterflies are gone, I don't need to worry about anything, and I'm feeling good. Until I realize that I have History.
"So why do you guys even have American history?"
"It's an elective here now. We kinda wanted it here in our school and there was a teacher that had the requirements for it and well... now we have American history taught now right August."
"Ohhh ok... Is the teacher nice?"
"Oh the teacher is amazing, his name is Mr.Porter. Me and Piper love him. He's really chill and fun. Gay as well and also knows how to make sure that you don't wanna fall asleep in class ya know."

To be honest that makes me feel a lot better. Not the gay part though. Well... I mean... It's an extra bonus, don't get me wrong. But just cause the teacher is gay doesn't make me feel any less good. The thing that does make me feel better though is that he doesn't sound like a jackass. But who really knows? From what I have realized in school is that students tend to over-exaggerate teachers. Either there to chill or their total asshole. Never really in the middle or toned done. Just one or the other. So sure, it gives me a sense of how this teacher is but I don't really know unless I see it.

We walk to the outside of the history room and August turns to me.
"Just don't worry too much this class will be fine plus your American and it's American history you'll fly right by."
"Yeah, I know it's just weird,"
Just then Estell walks by and stops to talk.
"Hey Kc looks like you've got some new friends,"
"Yeah umm... This is Piper and Augus-"
August cuts me off.
"Babes it's a school of two hundred people everyone knows everyone."
"Right right."
Piper taps August's shoulder as she says.
"Well, we better get going now. Have fun with porter."
"Yeah thank you."
I say as they walk away. Estell turners to me and says
"So shall we go in."
"Oh, you have History as well in here."
"Of course I do. There's only one class period out of the entire day he teaches about America and hello. I love America so of course, I was gonna sign up for it."
She grabs my arm and we both walk in.

We walked in. I couldn't help but notice the guy again. That Theo guy from my last class. He looks up at me and I quickly look to where Estell was pulling me because I don't want to lock eyes with him. Just then the teacher comes to us.

"Ohhhh ok you must be Kingston."
"Oh yeah but I like to go by Kc."
"Oh ok, no problem. I'm your teacher Mr.Porter and I'm already guessing that Estell wants you to sit with her."
"Well... what no I didn't mean to have that wh- ok yeah I did."
"Well, I don't see the problem with that ok now. Just please, don't be noisy now."
"Yes, Mr.Porter I promise. We promise." 
"Ok now."
Mr. Porter says as he lets us go. Estell finds a place for the two of us. Ironically enough it's exactly across the room from Theo. Even though I'm looking down at the desk I can feel a stare coming from there. Like a clueless man searching for guidance or something.

Mr.Porter brings the class's attention to his lesson at the front of the room and begins. "Ok now class today we will be talking about the Boston tea party and the taxation of the American colonies." instantly I get bored out of my mind. I think I've heard about this probably a million times. I could even see it as a news headline.

Americans board a ship off Boston harbor and throw crates of tea overboard as an act of rebellion.

I mean sure it's a great topic and all but like damn. Out of everything in America, this is always the first shit.
"Now can someone tell me why they were throwing tea into the harbor in the first place?"
I can tell that some of the students are looking at me to just give them the answer. Even though I want to, I really don't. I feel like I just wanna plug in my headphones. Sit in this somehow hella comfortable chair. And listen to an RnB album and wait for the test. But, I can't do that. It's not what I'm here for.

"Well, I guess the new kid has to answer. Kc?"
I'm not surprised at all. At this point, I thought my heart you punch out of my body but I'm actually calm, to be honest.
"It's because Britain would only allow British tea to be consumed by the colonists. And also taxes because Britain was broke at the time."
I felt like some kid was gonna scream at me saying THAT'S NOT TRUE AMERICA ARE JUST SOME BITCHES THAT'S ALL. But that didn't happen. It seemed like the class just agreed. Not in a sense to get it over with, but in a way that they knew at that time, Britain was in the wrongdoing. Which you would never see ever in America. So, one point to Britain I guess.

About 15 minutes into class Mr.Porter is talking about all the tax problems that were happening.
"So what was the final straw for the colonist?"
I know it was the British who wanted to insert themselves in some bullshit in Lexington but it didn't end well because the colonists rebelled and the shot heard around the world was fired and bam... War. Instantly I start to prepare myself for Mr.porter calling on me to answer. But a person across the room answers.
"Britain marched into Lexington and started to harass the public. It wasn't until some of the colonists came together to take them on that they shot the first shot to start the war."
I look over at who it was. It was Theo. My mind doesn't worry about him though but what he said. Mr.Porter says
"That's right, very good Theo."
"Not really."
Oh I really Fucked up.
"What do you mean Kc. Care to share to the whole class?"
"Well Mr.Porter, technically we don't know who shot first that's why we call it the shot heard around the world. Sure you could blame each side but we really don't know who it was so when historians talk about the war we leave who shot first out of it."
"Well, I stand corrected. Well done KC."

Mr.Porter says as he smiles and continues back to the lesson. I'm very glad that it ended well. And is someone yelling at me? I mean, I didn't blame anyone I just took my natural stance and made the argument neutral. Sure, Europeans get hot-headed very very fast. I'm not even joking, they straight up an American can just say hi and they get annoyed. It makes me pissed off at that but then again America has a lot of problems of its own. Still, it's irrelevant to talk shit about the country that has to protect your entire continent. I'm just saying.

Mr.Porter starts wrapping up the lesson and I'm ready to get the hell out of here. I look up to see the glass window that's the entire wall on the other side of the room to look at the outside. But when I do I see him again. Theo. staring at me. My first instinct was to yell across the class and start saying shit cause it was just weird. But then again, I really don't know this dude. So he might be staring at me for a reason? He probably knows me. Actually, he couldn't unless he saw me in a video or something. Probably Estell showed him a video of me. I mean, August did say that everyone knows everyone. I don't know if it's confusing.

I turn back to Mr.Porter as he says
"Ok class remember tomorrow we will be talking about the effects after the battle of Lexington and also France's involvement with the revolution."
Just as the bell rings.
"Also we will be looking at the declaration of independence or as some people might call it the declaration of war."
I look down at my table as I start to get up.
"Yeah but that was old Britain ya know cause they didn't want to lose the colonies and stuff."
Estell responds to me.
"Of course, I know but like... damn yall had to be so hateful towards us because you won a war against France and became hella broke cause of it."
"True true we are some great people I mean hey look at the franklins." "
Oh, right the useless islands."
We both star to laugh.

We walk outside of the classroom
"Estell can I be honest."
"Yeah go ahead, babes."
"This class is gonna take a toll on me is it?"
"I mean, some people are definitely gonna be anti-America but then again look at who helped us in world war two and on top of that usually those people had family members who fought so I wouldn't be too worried about them."
Just then Mr.Porter comes out of the classroom and talks to us.
"Kc don't be too worried now ok you're gonna do great just understand that people always get mad I mean hell that's how life works ain't it?"
"Yeah, y'all are right. Thank you."
"No problem."
Mr.Porter smiles. Estell takes my arm and says goodbye to Mr.Porter as we walk to our next class.

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