Chapter fifteen: Monday

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So this whole weekend has been shit and now i'm back in school. I have to be honest, I hate having the feeling of liking someone. Especially if there straight. Why... Why... Why... Why would the world do this to me. America would never. Ok, They would but you know what I mean.

I'm in Literacy with Piper and not only the fact that this class makes no sense cause we just had english. I'm confused on how I feel about things. After I had the awful realization of liking you know who. Theo. I tried to play it off when I was at the Tower of London but Piper and August caught on. Damn... Why did I make friends with the most clever people on this goddamn island?
"So what are we going to do about your little boy problem KC."
"Can we not right now Piper? I already wanna walk out of this class and throw up. And nothing was gonna do shit."
"Ok ok fine. What's the answer for number 4?"

Even though she said fine. She's still gonna wanna know everything and have a plan for something by the start of lunch. And honestly... I need a plan. I start to go through the rest of my packet and I look up to give my eyes a break. That's when I realize there is something staring at me.
"Ay who the fuck is that?" I whisper to Piper.
I dont say the f bomb unless my anxiety is high or im pissed. Also if i'm nervous from things like me... you know why.
"That's Jacob. He's one of These mates."
"What, and you never told me he had a friend in class."
Piper puts her phone down, looks up into a blank stare to take a short but deep breath then turns to me.
"Everyone is friends with everyone here. This school has 200 people. It's just that some people are more closer than others here."
Piper grabs her phone to look at again. Just then the teacher walks over to her.

"You shouldn't be on your phone." The teacher says to Piper.
"I finished already and questions four through seven have grammar and spelling errors on them." Piper says as she gives the teacher the packet while never giving eye contact to the teacher while remaining on her phone.
"Well I don't know what youre talking-" The teacher cuts himself off as he looks at her packet.
"Well... I stand corrected ms.Johnson. Continue as you so please." and the teacher walks away.
A little thing to know about Piper is that she can be the biggest bitch to a teacher. But then again she's top of the class. No, I'm not even kidding she is the smartest student in the school, and it's funny as hell when she corrects students' and teachers' stuff. That's why she acts like she doesnt care all the time. But it's not that she doesn't care. She just already knows it and teacher respect it here.

It's now after lunch and we're walking through the halls and there he is. Theo. As me and Piper walk past him he looks at me and smiles. I smile back and try to keep it cool but Piper starts to laugh cause she knows it's bullshit. As we continue walking Piper swoops out her phone to look at the camera facing her.
"Yep another time looking at you KC."
"He just wants to be friends right, that's all nothing else. You think that's why he keeps looking at me. Or is it something else?"
"Umm... Not sure but I'm rooting for love at first sight here. Or I guess back if the head cause you don't look back."
I glared at Piper in frustration but it's true. Why does this happen? And what does he want?  Also, why doesn't he just come and talk to me? It's not a hard thing to do. Ok, it is, I mean hell I'm trying to avoid him but look how well that's going.

Piper looks down and back at me as she realizes something.
"He doesn't have class on this floor last period or next period."
"Ok... So?"
"So he comes upstairs through the back hallway only to look at you and walk back down to his next class."
"Piper. Why would you tell me that? I didn't need to know that."
Piper looks at me and rolls her eyes.
"Look. You like him ok. Also, I know deep down that you wanna know everything about him. So, that's what I'm trying to do. Tell you everything about this guy in the end. If it's the fairy tail that I imagine, then I wanna see it become a reality. Ok?"
I look down at the floor and look back at Piper as I hug her.
"Ok ok fine. And I'm sorry that I'm flipping out."
"It's ok, let's just finish this day and get it over with."
"Ok," I say as we sit down and start our break time to get the rest of the day over with

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