t h i r t y

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Short and unedited I fail at life here we go.


By the time the boys decided to go to bed, it's almost 1 a.m. After exchanging quick hugs,they're out of the door and off to bed.

Cameron stays.

I don't want him to. The last thing I want to do right now it to talk to him. He acts like he doesn't even care about the fact that we have only one week left until I leave for good.

It's kind of sad really.

He's supposed to be my best friend. Have I befriended him too quickly?

I feel vulnerable.It's the first time I've really felt it.

''Elle,are you okay?


''Yes,'' I lie. He steps a few steps closer and puts his hand on my shoulder, ''No, you're not.''

I brush off his hand. I don't want him to touch me.

''I'm fine.'' I say with a small voice,not caring about how pathetic I really sound. I want him to leave me alone and if lying does the trick,then so be it.

''Bullshit.'' He spits in an angry voice, ''Why won't you tell me?''

''I said I'm fine!'' I snap and turn around with a glare. I'm aware that my eyes are watering, but quite frankly, I don't care.

''What is wrong with you? We just got back together!''

''What is wrong with me? What's wrong with you!''

''Me?What did I do?''

We're yelling again. We just got over the fight and we're yelling again. This is why I wanted him to leave me alone. Does he really want to go there?

''Do you really wanna go there?'' I challenge. He only glares and I take that as a sign to rant my emotions out.

''Do you realize that we only have a week left before I leave for good? We won't see each other for weeks, months,Cameron! You're taking this so lightly, as if it's nothing. You keep telling me how you feel about me, but you don't even care one bit. That's whats wrong! I feel so isolated and ignored. '' I tell him, my voice growing weaker and by the time I'm done with my ranting, I'm crying.

''I-I didn't know you felt that way.'' He tells me.I look up and his expression is a mix of many emotions, but as it shifts from anger to sadness,if finally settles on one - regret.

I look away and wipe under my eyes with the back of my hand. He'd made me cry again.

I'm pulled into his chest and finally,I welcome the gesture. His arms wrap around me tightly and I feel at home. The familiar scent of cinnamon overwhelmes me and I like it.

''It's not that I don't care, '' He says, pulling back a bit and cupping wet cheeks with his palms, ''it's the fact that I don't know how to handle it. El,you have no idea how much you really mean to me. I've been yours since the day I first spoke to you. Since the day your laugh filled my ears. I've been on my knees for you since the day your grey eyes first looked at me. I yearn for you Elle. I need you. You could make me the happiest,or you could rip me with one word. I am ridiculously in love with you, Elle. ''

I'm crying. I'm crying and laughing at the same time. Me and Cameron have gone through this by sticking together, and that was the most beautiful and emotional thing he's ever said to me.

''Even if you leave next week, we'll still be together. Distance doesn't mean anything. I'll still love you even if we're light years apart.''

He leans foward and presses his lips to mine. Sparks ignite in my stomach.

When we pull back we both laugh.

''You've turned full on romantic mode. Cheesy,but cute.'' I say and he blushes.

''Next thing I know you'll be writing poems for me.'' I giggle. He huffs, ''not happening.'' But smiles nonetheless.

''So...The Hunger games or Harry Potter marathon?''

And this is why I adore Cameron.

Hi hello good day. I'm sorry this was much shorter than the last chapter but I've been studying for finals and I've also started running 2 miles a day like everyday except monday and it's a pain in the ass, but i love it nonetheless.

Next chapter will be a tad late, a week or so until it's uploaded. This is

dedicated to Sara8749 for leaving such kind comments under the last few chapters. Thank you! I appreciate it!


-H xoxo

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