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"I said no.Elle Magdalene Woods I will not let you go on some kind of tour with eight boys I have never met in my life!"Angrily said my mum through the speaker.
"But mom!-"
"No buts!What if they murder you?What if they rape you?What if they rape you at first and then murder you?!"my mom continued.
"Mum!"I said,trying hard not to laugh.The boys were red from trying to hold in laughter while I had my mother on speaker.
"They won't murder me,much less rape me.They're all really nice boys."I said in the speaker.
"You know I let you do a lot of things but I'm concerned about all of this.And as a mother I can't just let you travel around the country by yourself!"She said.
"Mum please just...meet the boys okay?I'll call you on skype now and you'll meet all of them and then we'll continue this,okay?"I said.My mom sighed but agreed as I ended the call.
"Your middle name is Magdalene?"Said Carter and all of the guys laughed at me.

I huffed in annoyance.

"Elle Magdalene,I think you shouldn't hang out with us,because we might rape you and murder you!"said Cameron in a girl-ish voice.
I rolled my eyes at the boys who were still laughing their butts off.
I grabbed my laptop and turned on skype,walking away from the couch where we were sitting,and laid down on my stomach on my bed.
Not long after that,Cam laid down on my right and Nash laid down on my left.
All the other boys sat down around the bed,while Shawn decided it would be fun to sit on my butt.

"Shawn,you're heavy!"I complained.
"Are you saying I'm fat?!"he said,mocking one of our past playfights.
I rolled my eyes again and waited for my mom to pick up the skype call.

Me and Shawn were on friendly terms now,well kind of.
We  still had some pretty tough verbal fights and such,but must of the time we were just playfighting and teasing.
"Hey mom!"I said when she picked up.
"Who are these boys?!Why is there a boy sitting on you?!"Said my mom,disgusted.
"Mom!All of these boys are gay,except for those on the floor,they all have girlfriends!"I quickly covered up with a lie.
"I'm not-"
"So mom,want to meet all of them individually?"I said,hitting Cameron,Shawn and Nash on their shoulders to silence them.

If I wanted to go on tour on them,I would have to do anything possible to let my mom know there will be no funny buisness whatsoever.

"This is Cameron."I said and poined to him.He kindly smiled at the camera.
"Hi miss Woods,nice to meet you.I'm Cam.If Elle didnt tell us we'd talk to her mother,I swear I would think you're her sister."Said Cameron,earning a smile from my mom,who adjusted her glasses.
That meant she was flattered.

Cameron scores!

"Well,thank you Cameron.That's really nice of you."Said my mom and smiled at him.
She liked him instantly.
who wouldn't?

"Hello miss,I'm Nash.How are you?I like your hair,miss.You are as beautiful as your daughter."Said Nash,earning a chuckle from my mom and a blush from myself.
"You are too cute, Nash." Said my mom and smiled.
"Who is the boy sitting on your back,honey?"asked my mother.Shawn bent down,as his face was next to mine,awfully close.I could smell his cologne and he smelled heavenly.

"I'm Shawn,Shawn Mendes  m'am.Sorry for sitting on your daughter but there wasn't any space left on the bed."He said cutely.
I knew he was playing the cute boy,but my mom totally bought it.
"Well that is just fine,Shawn."Said my mom.

One by one,the boys introduced themselves,adding a compliment to my mom here and there.She seemed to like them all,but Cameron was her favourite.
"So mom,now what do you think?Can I go on tour?"I asked her after chatting and pleading for one hour and a half.She sighed before answering,
"Okay okay,I'll let it be.But no funny buisness miss!"She said to me.
"Don't worry m'aam,we'll take care of her and make sure there is lots of discipline."Said Nash.
I laughed but quickly covered up by coughing.

Nash and discipline?

haha no.

"Thank you mum!Love you!"I said,earning a 'love you too'  back before I ended the call.

"So...packing time?"Asked Cameron and I laughed and hugged him tightly,then hugging Nash and all the other boys.I hugged Shawn last and stayed in his hug a little longer.
I pulled back from Shawn and looked at all of the boys.

"Packing time."

The Magcon Girl(Magcon boys fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now