t w e l v e

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My alarm woke me up at exactly 8 a.m.

It was tour day and I wanted to be the one that would wake up Elle on the day of her first tour.

I quickly tiptoed into the bathroom past the guys who were still snoring on their beds and took a shower,did my hair and dressed myself.I grabbed my phone and closed the door behind me as I walked down the hall towards El's room.
I stopped in front of her door and leaned down,grabbing the spare key from under the rug infront of her room and unlocked the door as quietly as possible as I let myself in and closed the door behind me.
I walked towards her bed as quietly as possible as I looked at her figure sprawled across the bed.
I stroked some of her hair away from her face and gently shook her.
She was beautiful.

''Elle,wake up.It's tour time.''I said with a soft voice.Her eyes opened and her lips curled upwards into a smile.She sat up on the bed and faced me as I sat on the her bed infront of her.She bit her lip before she laughed.
''It's tour time.''She said in a raspy voice which made me go weak in my knees.
She tackled me in a hug and sat on me,straddling me as she laughed before she repeated herself,

''It's tour time.''

I didn't know what to do.

Should I place my hands on her waist?

Should I intertwine our fingers?

But much to my disappointment she didn't give me much time to think more as she got off me as quick as she got on me and walked away from the bed towards the bathroom before she stopped.
''I gotta take a shower,I'll be quick.Do whatever you want to do.''She said and smiled before she closed the door,not giving me the chance to reply.
I sighed.
This was so hard.
She basically friendzoned me and I have feelings for her.

From the minute that we started talking,I knew Elle was something special.She had some kind of,special aura around her that just lit up the whole room.It was obvious she didn't know how she made people feel,but when I saw her it cheered me up.I loved talking to her and I genuinely enjoyed her presence,hanging out with her and any kind of talks,even through a text. No person had ever made me feel the way she made me feel.
I knew I wasn't in love with her,that was too fast and we've only known each other for a few weeks,but there was no denying for sure,that I had some feelings for her.I didn't particularly know what these feelings were.Were they a crush?Friendship?
I didn't know what they were,but I knew that I wanted her in my life.
The upcoming tour was exciting to me,not only because of the new people I would meet and new places I would see,but knowing that I would have Elle in the same hotels as me,24/7, was exciting.
I was happy and nervous about it.

I heard the shower stopped running and seconds later Elle walked out,only a towel covering her body.

The air got knocked out of my lungs as I looked at her.
Her brown hair fell down her back in messy waves.
Her face was makeup free,but I could see her long lashes that made her beautiful grey eyes stand out.Her eyes were my favourite feature on her face,except for her lips.
They were perfect shade of light pink,full and soft.I had felt her lips against mine and I don't think I'll ever forget how they felt.

She smiled at me,showing off the dimple on her right cheek as I gasped for air as quietly as possible.
''I forgot my clothes,sorry.''She said and giggled,while I nodded,swallowing nervously as she passed me and grabbed a shirt and a top from the top shelf.She bended down a bit and grabbed a pair of shorts and then bended all the way down.
I froze as I looked at her,breathless.
I looked at her long,lean legs as she got back up as she closed the shelf with a pair of black underwear in her hands.She smiled again and quickly walked back to the bathroom,closing the door behind her.
I exhaled loudly as I looked at the bathroom door.

Maybe this tour was going to be a bit harder than I expected.

A few minutes later,Elle walked out of the bathroom.She was dressed in a black T shirt which had written #HIPSTER on it  in white.She wore a pair of light denim jeans underneath.Her hair was done in a high ponytail.
She walked towards her closet and put on a pair of white vans.
''Im ready,''She said,''are you?''
''I'm yeah,I mean,I'm ready.''I said and cleared my throat nervously.

Smooth Cameron,smooth.

She giggled at me  before we both walked downstairs with our luggage,ready to meet the boys for tour.

''Good morning!''Said Elle excitedly as we reached the boys.She was probably the most excited among all of us,since the boys were still pretty sleepy as it was 9 am and a bit early for them.

They were leaning onto their suitcases for support with their eyes half closed.

''Guys!''Said Elle,pinching Nash.He shook his head and opened his eyes and looked at her sleepily.
''Hi El.''He said and leaned in to hug her.She hugged him back.
''Nashley,why are none of you excited?''She asked when they pulled back.
''Because they're sleepy,dumbass.''Shawn rudely remarked,making us both look at him.

Elle looked down at her shoes,shifting uncomfortably from his rude remark.I grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly.

''Ignore him,he's a real pain in the ass in the morning.''I said,kissing her forehead as we turned away from Shawn.
''More like a pain in the ass all the damn time.''She muttered,making me chuckle.

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