n i n e t e e n

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Shows and interviews fill my day for the next four days.It feels as if it's work and it hits me that I haven't had the time to film a youtube video in two weeks,nor call my family.

With Cameron it's the same - we're still friends and everything is normal for us, even though I know what he feels towards me, nothing's changed and I can't be more grateful. We hang out when we're driving to the next city and before shows and meet and greets,but our free time has been limited.

''So,how's it been on tour for you,Elle?'' I snap back to reality and smile at the interviewer.She's holding a microphone close to my face as she waits for my answer.

''It's been great,honestly.''I tell her and then ramble on on what we've been doing for the past two weeks on tour.I try to seem as happy and excited as I can, but in the inside I'm drained.I'm exhausted and I just want some time alone. 

This isn't what I've thought it would be, I thought tour would be fun and games, but it turns out it isn't.Ever since I've started touring with the boys,I've gotten more hate than ever, since I am the only girl on tour with seven guys.

I rarely talk to Gilinsky,Carter,Johnson and Matthew.I do talk with Nash occasionally when we pass each other,but other than that I keep in touch with Cameron.

With Shawn,it's different. 

Sometimes he ignores me,other times he'll ask me how my day is and it confuses me more than ever,but I don't have time for it at the moment.

After the interviewer asks some more questions about Magcon and social media, I'm finally done with interviews for the day and I'm unbelievably happy.

By the time I reach my hotel room it's almost five in the afternoon and I head straight towards the shower.After I'm done I put on my most comfortable pajamas and let my hair down from the bun it's been in the whole day.Grabbing my phone and putting on slippers I head to the cafeteria of the small but private hotel we're staying in and grab a coffee and an apple. I spot Nash and Cameron in the table in the corner and make my way towards them.

When they see me walking towards them they smile and Cameron waves at me.


''Hey guys.'' Elle greets us and sits down next to me,facing Shawn.

''I haven't seen you in a while.''

''Yeah.Been busy with interviews and stuff.''She answers Nash and smiles lightly and looks down at her coffee before he smile fades.

''You okay?''I ask her and place my hand on her shoulder.She looks at it for a second before she looks back to her coffee and nods.

''Just tired.''She says.I'm not convinced but I let it slide.

''So,I was wondering if you guys would maybe want to film a video with me or something?I haven't filmed in two weeks.''She asks with a small voice.She doesn't seem herself at all.

''Yeah of course we will.''Nash reassures her softly and smiles at her.She smiles back,but it doesn't reach her eyes.

There's something off.She isn't as bubbly as usual,she isn't making jokes about us and she isn't laughing.Something has to be wrong.

Much to my dislike,Shawn decides to join us.

''Hello nerds.''He says jokingly and sits down next to Nash.We greet him but Elle stays silent. Shawn looks at her as he waits for his greeting. It doesn't come.

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