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I looked out of the window,my face leaning on my left hand.

I watched as the sun slowly started to set,while the sky was a bright orange colour,mixing into yellow right at the hills which I could see from the highway.We had been driving for the whole day and while most of the boy slept through the whole ride,I didn't.

I looked out of the window,trying to remember the various cars that passed us,or the various houses we passed when we weren't on the highway.I smiled and made my music a little bit louder as I listened to Coldplay,and looked out of the window,closing my eyes as I listened to the lyrics of 'Fix You'.

My hand found Cameron's,who was sleeping right on my shoulder,snoring ever so lightly.

I turned my head to my right and looked at his face.His eyes were closed,a small smile on his face.I looked down at my phone,looking at the time and smiled,knowing we would be at the hotel soon.After all,tomorrow was our first show on the tour.
My first show on a tour.

Cameron stirred in his sleep and I looked back to him as he stretched in his sleep,a soft and quiet groan falling from his lips.I giggled quietly.He was too cute.His eyes opened slowly while he blinked various times before he looked down at me,smiling before his lips connected to my cheek in the most beautiful gesture,as I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment and he chuckled.

''Good morning.''He said in a low voice.
''More like good evening.Slept well?''I asked and he nodded,closing his eyes and leaned back on my shoulder.

I sighed,slowly shaking my head at him with a smile,before I leaned my head onto his,relaxing.

I looked next to him to see a sleeping Shawn and my heart squeezed.He had been ignoring me since our little thing we had just yesterday.Even though I knew I shouldn't care much about it,since this was Shawn,and he was naturally a jerk,I couldn't help but a small ache in my chest everytime I repeated his insults in my mind.I was starting to care for him,and I didn't like it.If I wanted this tour to work,I would have to prevent every excess drama I could,and fighting with Shawn would just make things worse.

After deciding that ignoring Shawn would be the best option,I looked away from him and leaned my head back on Cameron's which was leaning on my shoulder and closed my eyes,realizing that I was a bit sleepy after all.

''El,hey.''Someone shook me and I groaned loudly,shaking my head and snuggled into Cams' chest again.
''Wake up,we're here.'' God he was annoying.

Let me sleep Cameron,you're so comfortable.I'm tired.

Cameron chuckled,as I felt his chest vibrate.Did I say that outloud?Oh well.
I heard some muffled voices and clutched Cameron's sweatshirt in my left hand,sighing and drifting back to sleep.


''Wake up,we're here.''I told her,shaking her softly in attempt to wake her up.She groaned in frustration and snuggled into my chest.

''Let me sleep Cameron,you're so comfortable. I'm tired.''She said,sleepily.

My heart skipped a beat as she clutched my sweatshirt tightly and threw her leg around my waist.My heart started beating faster.She sighed softly before her hand loosened and she drifted back to sleep.

''Its okay,I'll carry her.She's not gonna wake up,believe me.''I told Matt with a smile and he nodded and grabbed El's phone and earbuds and walked towards the hotel.
I slowly slipped my hands under her thighs as her hands hugged me around my neck.Slowly,I got out of the car and walked towards the hotel,with her snuggled in my chest,my heart still beating faster than usually.

The guys were waiting at the reception desk and smirked when they saw me carrying El.I blushed and tried to look smooth,but I knew I looked quite the opposite right now.We walked into the elevator and as soon as the doors closed,the theories came.

''Are you together now,or what?''

''You're so whipped,you don't even know it.''

''Awe,I ship you guys so much.''

The last comment made us all look at Matt and he shrugged with a smile,making us all laugh.

Well,all of us,except Shawn.

''I mean,I get it that you're fuck buddies and all,but I don't need the fucking PDA everywhere.''He said in frustration.

''You know what,chill the fuck out.We're best friends-''I said,my heart squeezing at the word, ''and to be honest,I don't know what the hell is your problem.I'm happy,so I don't know why you're so obsessed with making her life miserable,but I suggest you leave us alone.''I said.

He glared at me and as soon as the elevator stopped,he stormed out,and down the hall.

''I agree with you Cam,but that was  a little harsh.''Said Carter,the other boys nodding as we all got out of the elevator.

I readjusted my hold on Elle and asked Matt to unlock her room so I could put her to bed,which he did.Thanking him,I walked into the room and laid Elle onto her bed,covering her with the sheets up to her chin.
I sat at the edge of the bed.

Maybe I was too harsh on Shawn.Maybe I should have been nicer to him,he was my friend and fighting with him because of Elle was pointless.It would just lead to more drama.So instead of overthinking about it,I got up from the bed,walked out of Elle's room and down the hall to his room,knocking on it.

He opened it with a glare as he saw me.

''What?''He asked harshly.

I took a deep breath,reminding me of why I came here.

''Just let me in,I need to talk to you.''Much to my surprise,he nodded and stepped away from the door,letting me in and closing it behind it.He walked to the bed and sat on it,looking up at me he nodded as if to tell me to start.

I took a deep breath again,
''I know we haven't been on the best terms lately.You're just constantly angry at me,for no reason.I mean,I thought we were bros,right?''I asked.He chuckled.
''Mad at you?I'm not mad at you.I'm mad at her.''

I frowned.

''You're mad at Elle?''I asked.He nodded.
''Why are you mad at her?''I asked,defensively.He shook his head with a laugh.
''Because I hate her.I despise her.''He said with a smile,as it were nothing,just pointless words.
''What did she ever do to you,for you to..despise her?''I asked.
''Nothing.I just hate her,and you're freaking obsessed with her like she's some kind of God.''He said,getting up from the bed as he kicked the pillow that was on the floor.
''I'm not obsessed with her.''I defended myself.He laughed.
''Yea you are.You're with her every damn second of the day.''He said rolling his eyes,
''Well,we're best friends.Ofcourse I spend time with her.''I remarked,with annoyance towards him.
''Best friends?Just how long have you known her,huh?To be honest,she's nothing that special.''
''Look,I didn't come here to argue about Elle.I came here because I want us to be like we were before.We were like brothers,Shawn.''

''I already told you,we're okay.I just hate her.''

''Can you atleast try to be kind to her?''I pleaded,knowing this was going nowhere.

I sighed in frustration.

''Okay fine,can you atleast ignore here then,so there won't be more drama?''I asked,looking at his face.

There was a careless expression on his face.He raised his eyebrows.

''But it's fun annoying the shit out of her.''He stated with a smile.

I facepalmed and he laughed.

''Okay,okay for fucks sake.I'll stop shitting with your little girlfriend.''Said Shawn,rolling his eyes.I smiled at him,shaking my head at him,before we fist pumped.

''Bros?''I asked.
''When were we not?''He replied.

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