s e v e n t e e n

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There's a knock on the door.

''Elle,you in there?''

Ofcourse fucking Cameron would interrupt.

Elle pulls away from me and smiles at me and I move my back off the door and step away from it.She opens the door and Cameron literally jumps at her and wraps his arms around her tightly.My chest aches at the sight.

''Are you okay?''He says after he pulls away and cups her cheek with care.Elle nods and smiles at him.

The sight is sickening.

''You were running and you didn't listen to me when I was calling.You sure you're okay?''He asks with a frown and Elle leans into his palm that's resting on her cheek.

''I'm fine Cam,thanks.''She says and he leans down and kisses her forehead. They're acting as if I'm not standing fucking two feet away.I cough and they finally acknowledge my presence. Elle takes a step away from him but he just doesn't leave it and wraps his arm around her waist,pulling her close.

''You okay bro?''He asks me the same question as her.

''I'm fine.''I tell him with a raspy voice.He nodds and doesn't speak more about it.

''Want to get some tea Shawn?Your throat is sore.'' I do a double take at Elle's request.I grin and nodd at her and she smiles.Cameron looks at her shocked and then frowns.

''What about me?''He asks and pouts. 

I want to punch him in the face.

''Ofcourse you can come too.''Elle giggles at him and he smiles before sending a smirk in my direction.I huff in annoyance and we head to the cafeteria.


''So,nice performance Shawn.''Says Cameron. I roll my eyes at him.

It's like he's asking for a punch in the face.

''I agree.It was good.''Says Elle and I smile.It's nice that she's trying to sugarcoat the fact that completely blew my performance.

''Yours was better.''I tell her and I mean it.She blushes and denies it,but I push further.

''I mean it.You were amazing.''I tell her.Her face becomes even redder ,if that's possible,and she quietly thanks me. Silence falls upon us and I'm debating whether to break it or not,but out of the blue,the boys burts through the door.

''Elle!''Nash exclaims and El stands up,waving to the boys who walk towards the table we're sitting at.They grab some chairs and join us.Nash sits right next to Elle,and it annoys me.

''When are we leaving?''Cameron asks the group.Carter answers him,

''Tomorrow morning.''


It's silent again and it's really fucking annoying.


''I'm just gonna head to my room and I'll see you guys in the morning.''I tell the group and stand up from my chair.Cameron catches up with me as I'm heading up the stairs and then walks with me down the hall.

''Hey,can I hang in your room for a bit?If you don't mind.''I tell him that I don't mind it and he nods.

We reach my room and he closes it behind me and I head towards the shower.



I am so sorry for such a shitty chapter,I legit wrote this on the bus today while I was driving home because I have like two exams a day this week,and tomorrow's physics and computer tehnology studies-a pain in the ass and I'm so busy studying like crazy!

I promise daily updates starting on monday!

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