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I wasn't mad.I was furious.They pranked me?Are you fucking serious?What are we,ten?And her,Elle.I just,ugh.I wish I could tell you that I was mad at her and that I hate her,but I can't.I can't help but feel...attracted to her.

Wait what am I even talking about?I hate her!

She was the one that gave the whole idea to prank me and make fun of me,getting me covered in eggs and flour.Then,because the bitches were all laughing at me,Cameron being his clumsy self stepped on a damn knife?Who the fuck does that?

Even though I was furious at them,I couldn't help but feel worried about Cameron.After all he was my friend and I've known him for almost a year,of course I was worrying.All the time my mind kept going back to Elle laughing.She has a nice laugh I guess.And her laughing face is beyond...cute.

I shook my head at my own stupid thoughts as I slammed the door shut and walked out,only to realise that I didn't have anywhere to shower.I groaned when I thought of the only solution I had right now.

I walked down the hall to room 56 and grabbed the door handle.Ofcourse she had left it unlocked,what not.Idiot.

I closed the door behind me and walked straight to the bathroom,opening it.I looked around for a shampoo and found one.

Vanilla and Strawberries

I read the cover.Opening it I couldn't help myself and took in the scent of the shampoo.It smelled heavenly.Did she smell like that?

After showering and having a trouble getting eggs and flour out of my hair,I snatched a towel from the pile of towels in the bathroom and wrapped it around my naked torso.I walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the door,but stopped.Depating on whether to go back to my room or exploring her room,I decided that taking a look in here wouldn't be too bad.

I walked around the room,and picked up some pictures of Elle,her mom and her sister,whose name I remembered as Kelly.Kelly and her mom looked almost the same,while Elle looking almost nothing like them.Kelly and her mom had brown eyes,while Kelly had light green eyes.Why wasn't her dad in the picture?I wondered,before remembering her dad had died.She told me that yesterday when we were in her room and I was strumming on her guitar.

My eyes wandered around the room before they landed on the computer on her bed.I walked over to it and sat down on the bed,grabbing the white laptop and placing it on my lap.Opening it,I found it to be without a password.

Who has a laptop without a password?

Oh right,Elle does.Smart girl,really.Note the sarcasm.

I looked at her background which was her and Kelly,sharing ice cream.A smile appeared on my lips when I looked at the picture and I bit my lip when I remembered my own family.I wasn't on best terms with them.I remembered my own little sister before memories of the accident flowed my mind,making me shake my head to clear my thoughts of the painful memories.

I clicked on the pictures and found various albums.My eyes landed on an album called 'Charlie and Me.'I clicked on it and it opened about twenty pictures.I opened the first one to see Elle an a boy I had identified as Kyle,hugging.The next one was him kissing her cheek.They had to be a couple.But yesterday I overheard her conversation with Cameron and she said she was single.

For an unknown reason,I wanted them to not be a couple.A small part of me hoped they were cousins or best friends.I searched for anything to tell me that they weren't in any kind of romantic relationship.I skipped about ten pictures until my eyes landed on Kyle and Elle in a picture together,showing of their neckales.I zoomed in to see that Kyle had a necklace with 'best' ingraved in and Elle had on her necklace with 'friends'.I smiled at that,thank god they weren't together.

Wait,what the hell was I thinking?I hate her.Yeah.She pranked me and she's loud and annoying.

I closed the album and went to open the next one which had the name 'dad and me' before I was interruped by a gasp at the door.I looked up to see Elle with eyes wide in shock and I quickly closed her laptop and jumped from her bed,fixing my towel so it wouldn't fall of my hips.

''What the hell are you doing in here?What were you doing on my laptop?!''She screeched.

''Calm the fuck down,I only took a shower and I was curious,okay?''I said.I looked at her from head to toe.Her hair was in a messy knot type of thing on her head.How do girl do these kind of hairstyles?Normally,I wouldn't like that kind of thing,but on Elle,it looked flawless.She wore an oversized basketball jersey with the 'Tigers' printed on the front.She wore a pair of simple jean shorts underneath.She was barefoot.She was different and I found her ..appealing?

''So you think that breaking into my room and taking a shower,then going through my personal stuff is 'okay'?''She mocked.She acted as if she hated me.Well,she probably did after I was rude to her for the two or three days that we've known each other.why was I even rude to her in the first place?

''Well,do you think pranking me and making fun of me is okay?''I snapped at her.I didn't even want to snap or be rude..I just..did.Her ears became red from anger.

''It was a prank!Get over yourself!''She raised her voice.

''Atleast im not the one to blame for Cameron getting hurt!''I yelled.That seemed to shut her mouth and I immediatly felt bad after saying it for some reason.I almost wanted to say sorry until I remembered her stupid prank.

''You're a jerk!''She yelled and grabbed a nearby pillow and ran towards me,hitting me with it repeatedly.

''You're so arrogant-'' hit.

''And cocky-''another hit.

''And annoying''hit.

''And I hate you!''She yelled and hit me again with the pillow before she fell down on her knees in front of me,crying and clutching the pillow tightly.Was she crying because I snapped at her?

I quickly sat down next to her and tried to hug her,but she pushed me away.

''Hey,hey,don't cry.''I said to her and put my arms around her.This time,she let me as she sobbed in my bare chest.I didn't like seeing girls cry,especially because of me,being a jerk.She was right,I was a jerk.

''I didn't m-mean for it to h-happen.I'm sorry.I'm s-so sorry.''She said as she sobbed and hugged me tighter.I wrapped my arms around her a little tighter and stroked her hair.

''Ssh.I'm sorry,I didn't mean to say it.''I said.This was the first time I'd apologized to anyone in months.And it felt..good.

''I-it's true.This is all my fault.I'm s-sorry Shawn.I just wanted to h-have some f-fun.''She said.My chest was soaked with her tears,but that wasn't a slight concern right now.I was the jerk that made her cry and I couldn't help but feel like an arrogant jerk.

'''Matt was right,it was an accident.It's not your fault,I didn't mean that.Cameron is just clumsy.Please stop crying.''I said and burrowed my head in her hair.I was right,she did smell like vanilla and strawberries.Her hair was so soft and shiny.I twisted a strand of her brunette hair around my finger.

She stopped crying and pulled away from me and I felt ..cold.She wiped her tears with the back of her hand and ran her fingers through her hair.There was one last tear that fell down her right cheek,and this time I beat her to it and wiped it away with my thumb.Our faces were so close,I could smell her minty breath.There was...electricity between us.I looked to her lips.They were pink and soft and I somehow wanted them to connect with mine.

The moment was over too soon,when she got up from her knees and took a step from me.

''Cam's coming,I'll go.''She said.I nodded as she walked towards the door,before she stopped and turned around.

''I suggest you get dressed.''She said and turned around,walking out of the door.What the hell was I thinking?I was supposed to hate her.

But deep down,I knew I coudn't.

The Magcon Girl(Magcon boys fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz