t h i r t y - o n e

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''Have you got all your things?'' Cameron asks me as we're getting into the minivan. I'm going to the airport as I'm heading back home,to Canada. Nash and Cameron are going with me to the airport, because I don't really want to go alone.

I put my final bag in the minivan and turn around to face the four boys I'll be leaving back here and probably won't see for months, maybe even years. 

''I'll miss you guys.'' I say with a smile and hug Matthew first. ''I'm sorry we didn't hang as much as we should've.'' He tells me with a sad smile. 

''It's okay Matt, I guess the tour was a bit hethic for me. We'll still talk, right?'' I ask.He nodds with a smile, ''  'course we will.'' 

I move on to Carter and hug him. We weren't really as close but we still talked from time to time and I'll miss him too and his sassy comebacks. I hug both of the Jacks.

''You know,Blondie Jack, you're not that bad.'' I tell Johnson and he glares at me but smiles. '' I'm not blonde!'' He says but smiles nonetheless. 

''You'll always be blonde for me.'' I tell him and ruffle his hair which is a bit hard, as I'm a few inches shorter than him. 

''Where's Shawn?'' I ask Nash as I turn around.

''I don't know. He was out with a girl last night.'' 

Oh. So he didn't even come to say goodbye to me. The thought of him not giving a damn about me hurts a bit,but I should've known. I shouldn't have thought he'd even come to see me today.

I look at the boys once more and say my goodbye before I get into the minivan and fasten my seatbelt. Cameron gets in the middle,right between me and Nash as we pull out of the driveway of the LA hotel we had been staying in.

I don't think I've even actually realized that the tour is over and that I'm finally heading home to my sister and my mom after being gone for more than a month. I'm happy that the drama and the interviews are finally over for me,and that I can get back to Ontario, back to my small town where everyone knows everyone, but I'm also sad. Sad I'll be leaving all of this behind, the new friends I've made and the fans I've met.

I sigh and lean my head against Cameron's shoulders and close my eyes. 

I didn't want to cry at the airport, but as we stand in front of the boarding door together, I can't stop a few tears that escape as I hug Nash first and then hug Cameron. I wrap my arms tightly around his neck and his arms wrap around my waist. I pull back and kiss him. This is possibly the last time in months that I'll get to do it and he kisses me back slowly but hard. As we pull back I see Nash pull out his phone and start recording a video. I smile and try to hold back my tears.

''So guys, Elle's heading back to Canada today. Say goodbye Elle!'' Nash says with a small smile. 

And I, still wrapped in Camerons arms smile at the Camera and say my final goodbye.

''Goodbye. Thanks for everything guys.'' The video stops recording and Nash uploads it on vine. I hug the both for the last time and walk towards the plane.

I'm finally going home.


I land in Ontario somewhere late in the afternoon. I call my mom and wait for my things as I think about what's going to happen now. Am I going to go back to just being a normal girl?

The thought is more relieving that I thought it would be.

I grab my things and head out of the airport and immediatly I spot a mess of light brown curls hugging my waist and I drop my things and lift my sister up, hugging her.

''I missed you so much,Kelly.'' I tell her as I hug her. 

''I missed you too!''She squeels and laughs as I tickle her. I can't believe I haven't seen her in more than a month. I look to the parking lot where my mom is getting out of her silver Ford and almost running towards me. I open my arms as she pulls me in a tight hug. As I hug my mom and smell her familiar perfume I finally feel like I'm home.

As we pull out of the parking lot of the aiport, we talk about how tour was on the way back home. It's not a long drive to Port Hope but we talk the whole way,right until we stop infront of my house. I look through the window and literally jump out of the car and run through the door after my mom unlocks it, and right up the stairs to the right,where my bedroom is. 

I open the door and smile at the sight of my bedroom. I throw myself down on the bed and look at the ceiling, which is still covered in various band posters and articles about the Beatles.

I get up from the bed and walk to the window, opening it wide and leaning on the window sill.

I'm finally home.

First chapter in a few months that I've actually sat down and written as a whole.I've really missed writing and now I'm finally back,for good this time. I'll try updating every day for the rest of  this week,and twice a week from then on.

thank you for all your support. i really appreciate it!


Hannah xo

The Magcon Girl(Magcon boys fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें