Growing up

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Authors note
Hello everyone I know that it's been a while since I have uploaded any more parts of the story. I'm going to try my best to keep you all up-to-date. So here is the next part.

Mini years have passed by. James is now in college for his bachelors degree in music. While going to college, he met up with one of his friends named Carme. She was 5 feet tall with long blonde hair. She had pale skin and blue eyes. She always wore bright vibrant colors such as pink and white dresses. She looked like she would be a girly girl, but she had a great taste in music. James and Carmi were classmates in community college, and they both transferred to university.

One day, James decided to take Carme out on a date. He hadn't been on a date since he stopped talking to Susan and Lillian. He planned for reservations to go to the fanciest restaurant in the city. Afterwords, they were go to the movies for a romantic movie night. James went to the store to buy Carmi flowers and a box of chocolates. He went back to his dorm to get his self ready for his date.

James POV
I finally made it to the restaurant. I felt like I was in a furnace considering the fact of how much I was sweating. The receptionist greeted me inside, and I got everything set up for my romantic dinner with Carme. A few minutes later, she walked in. Her graceful hair flowing in the wind wherever she went. I was so mesmerized by her beauty so bad to where I wanted to ask her out.

Carme's POV
I walked into the most fanciest restaurant in the city. They had a gorgeous swan fountain in the center of the garden of the restaurant. When I went inside, The staff greeted me and showed me to my table. There he was waiting for me with flowers and chocolates. I honestly did not know what to say to him. Does he actually like me? Then we ordered our food and drinks, and James even offered to pay for me. Afterwards, we went to see the most romantic movie. I honestly think that he has feelings for me, but this could all just be in my head.

General POV
When's the movie was finished, James offered to walk Carme home. Finally, while on their walk, James popped the question.

James POV
I was walking with Carme well holding hands. Then I decided to stop and ask her a very important question. " Carme, Will you be my girlfriend?"

She paused for a moment. I was concerned that she would say no. I really liked her, but to my surprise, she actually said yes. I was so happy that I picked her up and spun her around. We both shared our first kiss that night.

General POV
Many years later, James and Kami both were engaged. They had a gorgeous wedding, and Carme's parents were loving and accepting of James. Then many months later, they had their first child together. Carme gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was sunshine because she smiled like the sun. James never thought that he would get this far in his life. Kami and James even grew old together, and their daughter got married and had a family of her own.

Finally, The day had come where James was now on his deathbed. Carme stayed by his side until the day he passed away. The whole world began to spin while James began to pass song. He woke up to find himself back in darkness. He could hear the sounds of slashing invoices.

James POV
Weight, was that all out dream? I'm still here in the womb. I'm still here in my mothers tummy. What is my life a dream of what my future might look like, or was it all a big nightmare? I don't know what the future might hold for me, but I have a long time before I find out.

General POV
At that moment, The soon to be mother went into labor. It was finally time for her baby to be born. After many hours of labor and delivery, A baby boy was born into the world. Believe it or not, The boy was called James.

Others notes
Well there you have it. This is the last part of my book called life. Here is a big question that I'm pretty sure all of us are wondering. Is this real life, or is our lives just a big nightmare? Could we be just dreaming everything? I guess we will never know. Until then, thank you so much for reading !

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